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Friday Mar 23, 2018

This week we talk to Australian restoration and IAQ veterans Penny Tralau and Ashley Easterby about their experiences and insights after attending the recent RIA Convention and their extensive tour of southern US restoration projects, labs and facilities. Their tour guide was none other than IAQ Radio contributor and "Restoration Industry Global Watchdog" Pete Consigli. All three will be joining us today to talk about what they learned, how our IAQ/restoration industry looks from the outside, how that affects the Aussie market and most importantly what we can learn from each other. 

Friday Mar 16, 2018

Today Radio Joe and the Z-man will be discussing how to solve indoor environmental quality problems by using building science fundamentals and the "EPA Moisture Control Guide". To get at the root of IEQ problems you must understand buildings and building science. Today we will discuss some great information from people like Joe Lstiburek, Terry Brennan, Bill Rose, Mike McGuinness and Lew Harriman. We start with an overview of building science concepts that will help you solve problems. Our foundation will be the 4 P's (people, pollutant, pathway, pressurization). From there we will go into how to use the wealth of information in the EPA "Moisture Control Guide" and then go through some case studies. On a future show we will get into how to include the information in your reports.

Friday Mar 09, 2018

Today on IAQ Radio we welcome Nate Adams the founder of Energy Smart Home Performance outside Cleveland Ohio. This week we will talk about "The Evolving World of Home Performance". What was once called an energy audit is now evolving into something different. The energy programs are changing and the people that perform/ed energy audits are changing how they market their services and what they provide. Some have gone into healthy housing others are pitching home performance and much more comprehensive and costly changes to existing homes. Nate has a unique perspective on the topic and has released the first edition of his book on the topic. We will explore the topic in detail today on an IAQ Radio+ episode.

Friday Feb 23, 2018

This week we are bringing back Sal La Duca for part 2 of our discussion on electricity, EMF's & IEQ. Electricity and electric fields are all around us we keep adding them yet we do not know much about how they affect the health of occupants or if they affect health. Is it possible that they have affects we don't understand? We do know that when installed improperly electric systems can cause a variety of issues. We also know how to find improper installations and to how to reduce the potential for exposure. In Part 1 Mr. La Duca walked us through the basics from the generating facility to the wiring in our home. Part 2 will focus on how to evaluate the issues and what equipment is used to help determine if we have issues.

Friday Feb 16, 2018

This week we will be finishing up our hurricane coverage series with two gentlemen that are known for seeing the big picture. Dr. Ralph Moon is based in the Tampa, FL region and Attorney Michael Bowdoin's practice is in the Houston, TX area. Both have extensive personal and professional experience dealing with the aftermath of the hurricanes that hit in 2017. Both also work closely with contractors, consultants, building owners, insurance adjusters and others that have been trying to bring things back to normal. We plan a wide ranging discussion of what happened, how the response was handled and how these events will affect our future dealing with large natural disasters.

Friday Feb 02, 2018

Radio Joe had to deal with a few emergencies this week so we are going to do a great Flashback Friday show with newly inducted IAQA Hall of Famer, Jeff May. Jeff joined us back in early 2016 to discuss "Common and Under Recognized Sources of Indoor Bio-aerosols". We are back live on zoom next Friday with Sal LaDuca for Part 2 of our series on electricity, EMF's and IEQ. This weeks show will also be aired using Zoom.us so give it a try.

Friday Jan 26, 2018

Radio Joe is on the road at the IAQA Annual Meeting and last week attended a Sloan Workshop: Roadmap Research to Practice. Radio Joe will be reporting on both events this week and we will debut our new format for the show. The Sloan workshop was put together by Richard Shaughnessy, PhD and Jordan Peccia, PhD. It was a fascinating meeting of about 15 practitioners, 15 researchers and a handful of government representatives from agencies such as EPA, HUD and CDC. It was designed to allow practitioners to let researchers know what we need from research to do a better job helping people live in better indoor environments. This workshop focused on the Microbiome of the Built Environment and included a lot of discussion on mold and water damage topics. Radio Joe will review the presentations by both researchers and practitioners to bring listeners up to speed on what was discussed. The IAQA Annual Meeting is always a highlight of the conference season. This year it was in Chicago and was in conjunction with the ASHRAE AHR Expo. As always there was a huge expo hall with thousands of exhibitors and some excellent presentations at the Hilton Chicago.

Friday Jan 19, 2018

Radio Joe is on the road at a Sloan "Research to Practice" Conference and will be back live next Friday to report on the event and the IAQA Conference. This week we are playing back a great show with a guest we tried to get for a long time. Tiina Reponen, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Health, College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati.
Cliffs Blog & Full Description

Friday Jan 12, 2018

This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Anthony "Tony" Havics to talk about how occupational exposure limits are related to limits for the general public. This is a topic that causes a lot of confusion and at times misinformation. Can we use OEL's or should we avoid them altogether? Join us and LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio!
Mr. Havics is an Honors graduate from Georgia Institute of Technology with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer (PE) with over 25 years of experience. He has provided front end investigation, development of plans & specifications, development of work plans, cost estimation, and oversight of numerous facilities for remediation, refurbishing, or decommissioning including a launch pad, dam gates, a baseball stadium, a tire factory with 59 buildings, a biologically contaminated L1011, a hospital, JP-6 fuel tanks, former mental institute, former military buildings, etc. In the field of microscopy, he has performed analysis for asbestos, contaminants in products, other minerals, fibers, fungi, engineering properties, and has testified in federal court as an expert microscopist. Andrew has also performed failure analysis and forensic testing on numerous building products such as roofs, windows, flooring, drywall, piping, etc.

Friday Jan 05, 2018

This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Mr. Bruce White, Vice President at American Environmental Specialists & IAQA First Vice President. Mr. White's and his company provide IAQ and environmental consulting on a wide range of issues from their Southern California office. We will discuss wildfires and IAQ, Hospital Construction Monitoring, The new OSHA Silica Rule and Mechanical Systems and IAQ. Bruce brings a unique perspective to his consulting, he has been in the environmental business for over 30 years with a wide range of experience in the real world. He started out in the restoration industry and was also part of the early days of asbestos abatement and other types of environmental contracting. From there he has spent almost 20 years as an environmental consultant with a stint working for a large distributor of environmental safety supplies and equipment. He also has a long history of volunteering for industry related associations and is currently the First Vice President of the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). Bruce has numerous tips and techniques to share with listeners and will also share his insights on the future of our industry. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!


IAQ Radio+

This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.

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