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Friday Jan 04, 2019

This week we welcome Jay Stake to back to Iaqradio+. Mr. Stake joined us last year right after the Indoor Air Quality Association announced they were leaving the ASHRAE fold. We will preview the upcoming conference, see how things are working out, learn about plans for the future, review 2018 and preview 2019. A few friends of the show will be calling in to join the conversation.
Jay Stake is the new Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) President for 2018-19. He is also the owner of J&J Consultants a total indoor air quality assessment company and President of Structural Sciences, Inc. Structural Sciences provides indoor air quality consulting services to the relocation industry throughout North America. Mr. Stake uses a network of 269 inspectors to assist with the relocation of clients in the network. The majority of the inspectors in his network are IAQA members. He has been a member of the IAQA Board of Directors for 3 years and prior served as Vice Chair of the IESO before it became inactive under the ASHRAE umbrella.

Friday Dec 14, 2018

This week we welcome Tom Phillips to Iaqradio+. Mr. Phillips is a consultant on healthy sustainable buildings and lives in Davis, California. He has spent over 35 years working at the intersection of research and policy addressing public health, pollution, and buildings, mainly at the California Air Resources Board. From 1985 to 2009, he designed and managed research contracts on human exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants, ventilation, air cleaning, and building ventilation. He also produced health-based guidelines on indoor combustion pollutants and air cleaners. Tom has served as a technical adviser to national, state, and local agencies, NGOs, and private firms on various IAQ issues, climate change adaptation, and green building programs for homes, schools, and offices. Since 2010 Tom has served as the principal scientist at Healthy Building Research, where he has assessed IAQ research needs for net zero energy buildings, effective ways to prevent intrusion of outdoor pollutants, and ways to adapt and mitigate climate change and health impacts in the building sector.

Friday Dec 07, 2018

Radio Joe and the team of IAQ Training Institute instructors are in Greenville, SC teaching all week so this week we will flash back to a great show we did with Dr. William (Bill) Vaughan about methods for assessing mold contamination and best practices for preparing for clearance air sampling. Over the years Dr. Vaughan has perfected a method for assessing Condition 2 areas in buildings and a method (air polishing) for cleaning the air prior to post remediation verification. He has had great success using and teaching these methods. We look forward to talking in detail today at noon.
Dr. William (Bill) Vaughan is President & Principal Scientist for Nauset Environmental Services, Inc. on Cape Cod Massachusetts. He has worked in the area of air quality investigations since the late '60s with a focus on IAQ issues for the last 15-20 years. He and his staff have carried out investigations at more than 3,000 locations in New England. Dr. Vaughan became interested in the IICRC's concept of Condition 2, settled spore, contamination just after the IICRC S520 was initially released in 2003. He asked the question, "If you can't see settled spores and colony fragments, how do you know if they are there much less if they have been cleaned up adequately? His group developed the concept of paired air sampling - quiet and fan-disturbed - to address this question and have been utilizing it productively since 2004. Dr. Vaughan's PhD is in Biophysics from the University of Illinois, Department of Physiology and Biophysics.

Friday Nov 30, 2018

This week we welcome back Dr. Joe Spurgeon to continue our conversation on the use of sampling as part of a mold inspection. We will focus on his latest paper and answer the question can airborne mold samples be interpreted objectively using numerical guidelines? 
Dr. Spurgeon has a multidisciplinary doctorate degree in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Health from the University of Pittsburgh; and was a Certified Industrial Hygienist from 1993 - 2013. His career has included working as a research chemist on the NBS Lead-Paint Poisoning Program, directing the FAA's Combustion Toxicology Laboratory, performing Health Assessments for CDC/ATSDR, implementing US EPA's Laboratory Exposure Assessment Project, and working as a consultant specializing in microbial indoor air quality for US PHS. He has performed over 4,000 residential and commercial investigations involving water intrusions and microbial contaminants; has taught courses on mold investigations, sampling, and data interpretation methods; and has served as an expert witness in numerous mold cases. Additional articles from Dr. Spurgeon are available at www.bi-air.com. His books are available at http://expertonmold.com/ 

Friday Nov 16, 2018

This week on Iaqradio+ we flashback to a great show with Lew Harriman and Terry Brennan from 7-11-24. The EPA Moisture Control Guide is one of the best, if not the best document EPA has developed in 20 years. Terry Brennan and Lew Harriman join us to discuss the document and give us their thoughts on evaluating moisture issues in buildings. If you do not have this document in your library, get it, its free and your tax dollars helped to put it together. 
Terry Brennan was the lead author for the EPA's new Guidance for Moisture Control in Buildings. He is a founder and managing partner of Camroden Associates, a building science consulting firm located in Westmoreland, New York. He began his career as a physics major at Northeastern University, but some how, some way got diverted into building science, working on the earliest research into radon problems and radon behavior in buildings, and moving on to energy and moisture issues. For the last 40 years, he's spent more time crawling around damp basements and hot attics than most normal people would find pleasant. But in return for those decades of investigation, Terry knows a LOT about what makes buildings tick... how they go wrong... and how to make sure they don't.
Lew Harriman was a contributor to the new EPA guidance for Moisture Control in Buildings on the HVAC aspects of moisture control. He began his career as an architecture student at Dartmouth, but after five years as an Air Force officer, he went to work for a manufacturer of dehumidification systems, and got permanently diverted into HVAC engineering, where he's spent the last 38 years. He is the founder of Mason-Grant Consulting, a building science consulting firm located in Portsmouth, NH. He is active in ASHRAE as the vice-chair of technical committee 1.12 (Moisture Management in Buildings), and is an ASHRAE Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer.

Friday Nov 09, 2018

This week on Iaqradio+ we welcome "Nate the House Whisperer" Adams back to talk with Radio Joe about "What We Learned... Healthy Buildings Summit 2018" (HBS 2018). This year was our 6th year putting together the Healthy Buildings Summit. Our Keynote speakers were Jordan Peccian, PhD and Jeff "My House is Killing Me" May. Yesterday Nate Adams and Radio Joe sat down to go over the presentations at this years event and discuss key points from each presentation. Both the Youtube version and our podcast are up now! We will return live next Friday at noon.
Nate is the founder of Energy Smart Home Performance outside Cleveland Ohio. He is the author of The Home Comfort Book; The ultimate guide to creating a comfortable, healthy, efficient and long-lasting home. Our thanks go out to Nate for attending the conference and for joining us to go over the highlights.

Friday Nov 02, 2018

Today on IAQ Radio we welcome "Nate the House Whisperer" Adams. Nate is the founder of Energy Smart Home Performance outside Cleveland Ohio. Today we conclude our 3 part series "The Evolving World of Home Performance". This week we will focus on Building Science, IAQ & Insulation. Much or what we will discuss today comes from Nate's excellent book, The Home Comfort Book; The ultimate guide to creating a comfortable, healthy, efficient and long-lasting home. Nate is knowledgeable, entertaining and always eager to share his ideas and unique perspective on home performance.
Nate Adams, Cleveland, Ohio based company Energy Smart started out as an insulation contractor for existing homes and evolved into doing Comprehensive Home Performance retrofits. These projects are somewhere between a simple attic insulation job and a deep energy retrofit. These projects are sweeping in scope with thorough planning process and careful attention paid to what problems the client wants to solve, what the house needs, and what fits within the homeowner budget. No two projects are alike. Through substantial air tightness and insulation upgrades, and sometimes HVAC replacement, homes are made far more comfortable.

Friday Oct 19, 2018

Dr. Peter DeCarlo is an Associate Professor with appointment in the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, and the Department of Chemistry at Drexel University.  He is also an affiliate of the Urban Health Collaborative in the School of Public Health at Drexel University and an adjunct member of the Center for Excellence in Environmental Toxicology (CEET) at the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. DeCarlo has a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from the University of Colorado, and a BS in Biochemistry from the University of Notre Dame. He uses state-of-the-art instrumentation to measure the chemical composition of particulates and gases in indoors, outdoors, and in the laboratory to better understand the intersection between air quality, health, and climate impacts of human emissions.  He has made air quality and climate related measurements from planes, trucks, and stationary sites all over the world to better understand direct emissions, sources, and subsequent chemical reactions of pollutants in the atmosphere.
More recently Dr. DeCarlo has begun measuring the relationship between outdoor and indoor air pollutants, to understand transport of outdoor pollutants to the indoor environment, and to identify indoor specific sources such as residual tobacco smoke, and direct human emissions. He also is interested in the intersection of science and policy and was an AAAS Science Policy Fellow at the US EPA working on issues related to clean cookstoves in the developing world and public sharing of environmental data prior to starting his faculty position at Drexel.  Funding for his research comes from the National Science Foundation, Sloan Foundation, Electric Power Research Institute, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, and the Department of Transportation. Dr. DeCarlo has co-authored over 80 peer reviewed publication and has been identified as a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics (2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017).

Friday Oct 12, 2018

Rusty Amarante is a Certified Restorer and Director of Operations for BELFOR Property Restoration the global leader in disaster recovery. He is also President of the BELFOR Franchise Group a leading national franchisor of service brands including 1-800-WATER DAMAGE, DUCTZ International and HOODZ International.
Rusty’s career started in the 1970’s  in suburban Philadelphia, PA and has ranged from the owner of a small cleaning and restoration company that grew to a large regional full service restoration contractor before joining the BELFOR Team in the 1990’s. Over the past forty plus years he has been an IICRC instructor, state approved CEC trainer for the insurance industry and avid contributor and volunteer to the industry’s not-for-profit sector.
Rusty’s accomplishments and service include chairing RIA’s Restoration Council and ascending to the Restoration Industry Association’s Presidency in 2008. Rusty also has served on the IICRC FRST Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and served as Vice Chair for the Institute’s S500 Water Damage Restoration Standard. In 2006 Rusty received RIA’s most prestigious honor when he received  the Martin L. King Award.
From his early day’s in the 20th century to his global responsibilities of the last two decades with BELFOR, Rusty has been a tireless advocate for the professionalization of the industry. This week his  good friend and colleague Cliff Zlotnik, the Z-man  will have a “Fireside Chat” to talk about Rusty’s career, his relationship with the late Marty King and his insights into the future of the restoration industry.
Joining IAQradio this week for a seat by the “fire” is IAQradio’s Global Watchdog and Rusty’s longtime friend and RIA Industry Adviser Pete Consigli. Radio Joe Hughes asks all his IAQradio friends and loyal listeners join the show live this Friday for a very special interview with industry Icon Rusty Amarante and friends!

Friday Oct 05, 2018

Jay Stake is the new Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) President for 2018-19. He is also the owner of J&J Consultants a total indoor air quality assessment company and President of Structural Sciences, Inc. Structural Sciences provides indoor air quality consulting services to the relocation industry throughout North America. Mr. Stake uses a network of 269 inspectors to assist with the relocation of clients in the network. The majority of the inspectors in his network are IAQA members. He has been a member of the IAQA Board of Directors for 3 years and prior served as Vice Chair of the IESO before it became inactive under the ASHRAE umbrella.
Mr. Stake is going to give us the scoop on the upcoming transition of IAQA away from ASHRAE and to the new management company Association Headquarters (AH) of Mount Laurel, NJ. Jay believes that IAQA has to be very open with its membership and do a better job of keeping them informed about plans for the future. He joins us today to tell listeners about the next chapter in the IAQA story.


IAQ Radio+

This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.

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