
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
This week we welcome Rob Jonkman, VP of Codes and Engineering at the Canadian Wood Council to discuss Building Science, Wood: A Balanced Design Approach. The Canadian wood industry is a huge driver of construction practices in the US and beyond. Lets learn more about how wood is part of a balanced design approach from someone that has been a mover in the area for years. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio+.
After completing a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Management degree at McMaster University in 1994, Robert worked for one year at a structural engineering consulting firm and over nine years as “Design and Engineering Supervisor” at a Canadian timber frame manufacturer. He joined the Canadian Wood Council in 2005, progressing to “Director, Codes and Standards -Structural Engineering” in 2014, and VP Codes Engineering in 2021. Robert has expertise in structural engineering, building science, and energy issues and is active in Codes and Standards development with the Canadian Home Builders, including:
Member - NBC SC Structural Design (Part 4)
Member - NBC SC Housing and Small Buildings (Part 9)
Secretary - TC responsible for CSA O86 “Engineering Design in Wood” Standard
Chair - ISO TC 165 mirror committee

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
This week we welcome Jennifer Sterling to discuss Restoration Contractors Insurance Do’s and Don’ts. Many of the lessons learned will be applicable to any type of contractor and even consultants.
Jennifer Sterling has been an Environmental Insurance broker for over 15 years, serving all lines of insurance needs. Jennifer knows the insurance risks and exposures in this ever-changing industry, specific to the scope of operations that include but are not limited to fire, water, mold remediation, smoke, dry outs, contents clean-up, hazardous transporting, crime scene clean-up, consulting, sampling, air testing, and asbestos remediation. Jennifer prides herself on attending several trade shows annually and acknowledges the men and women that help to hold the industry to a higher standard while promoting continued education and accreditation.

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
This week we welcome Jeremy Beagle, Senior Principal Scientist at SDII Global for a show we are calling Mold Assessment & Restorative Drying Redefined. LEARN MORE at IAQ Radio+.
Jeremy is a Senior Principal Scientist and CIH with SDII Global having over 18 years progressive experience performing causation assessments pertaining to moisture, fungal growth and other indoor environmental firms in the built environment as well as provides expert witness testimony. Jeremy currently is the 1st Vice President of the IAQA and the Vice-chair for the IICRC S530 Mold Assessment Standard.

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
This week we welcome Jason Lee Vice President of Sales, Client Solutions at ByoPlanet. Jason has spent many years in a variety of building services positions and was thrust into learning about IEQ early in his career. His early focus was on continuous improvement starting in the military and leading to his position today. In these roles he has worked with numerous large school districts, colleges and Fortune 500 companies helping ensure good IEQ for their occupants and employees. His unique perspective will be of interest to the IAQ Radio+ audience.
Jason grew up in Michigan enjoying the four seasons and following all the local sport teams. After attending Eastern Michigan University, he enlisted in the United States Army stationed in Washington D.C. During his service he became a “Lean Six Sigma” overseeing projects to ensure operational continuity during the downsizing of our nation’s military in the 1990’s.
In 2003, Jason’s passion for continuous improvement led him to the construction and built environment sector where he become one of the world’s first “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED AP O&M). Serving as a resident expert for Building Service Contractors for the past 15 years, Jason has spearheaded indoor environmental quality initiatives for Fortune 500 companies and educational institutions throughout the U.S.
Today Jason is the VP of Sales and Client Solutions for ByoPlanet headquartered in Athens, Georgia. ByoPlanet consults with customers across the world to implement technologies that deliver safer and healthier indoor air quality and surface disinfection methods.
In his spare time Jason volunteers in his community and stays active outdoors. Camping, participating in mud runs, attending sporting events and travelling to bucket list destinations. To this day, Jason remains a pure optimistic truly believing his hometown Detroit Lions will win the next Super Bowl; repeatedly.

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
This week we welcome Ken Siders, Senior Environmental Consultant ETA Environmental. We will be discussing a Cautionary Structural Drying Tale that has many lessons for all. Consultants and contractors will learn from the lessons on this unique project.
Ken is the Senior Environmental consultant for ETA Environmental, with 20+ years in the building science restoration field. He is a teacher and published author and is an expert in mold, radon, Chinese drywall, meth lab cleanup testing, lead, asbestos, and many more types of building contamination.

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
This week we welcome Norris Gearhart EVP of Regulatory and Business Practices at First Onsite Property Restoration for a show on Infection Control Risk Assessment, Disinfection and Diversification Opportunities for Restoration Contractors. LEARN MORE at IAQRadio+.
Norris Gearhart is the Executive Vice President of Regulatory Business Practices for First Onsite Property Restoration. Norris has a long career as a solutions-focused leader, coach, and educator. He began his career in the restoration industry in 1985. He has had responsibilities in both the restoration and insurance realm over the span of nearly four decades. During this time, Norris owned or has been part owner of two successful full-service restoration companies building multi-million-dollar books of business. He brings considerable skills and expertise to the table, including being an OSHA outreach trainer for Construction and General industry, loss site inspections, estimating, project management, and as an instructor for the RIA Certified Restorer (CR), Fire Loss Specialist (FLS), and Environmental Risk Specialist (ERS) courses. He is currently serving as a voting member of the IICRC standards committee with the development of the S410 Infection Control Cleaning Standard.
As the CEO of Gearhart and Associates, he created and delivered training and consulting services to equip Infection control practitioners, facilities managers, general contractors, disaster response contractors and sub trades with real-world practical knowledge to safely perform work in high-risk environments.
Norris was the COO of TOMI Environmental Solutions, where he implemented and administered policies and procedures and was instrumental in obtaining the EPA registration for SteraMist as a Hospital Disinfectant. Subsequently, he was chosen as a member of the US Aid and World Health Organization team challenged with customizing a disinfection chamber for the Ebola outbreak in Africa. He also responded to global projects including outbreaks of Mears Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia.
In 1995 he established a Restorx franchise for Johns & amp; Lyng Pty Ltd in Melbourne, Australia, now the largest publicly traded restoration group in Australia. While there he taught the Association of Specialist in Cleaning and Restoration (ASCR) now the Restoration Industry Association (RIA), Certified Restoration Technician course multiple times. This was the first time there were CRT’s trained and certified outside of North America.

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
This week we welcome back a long time friend of the show Carl Grimes of Hayward Score. Many of our listeners know Carl has been an advocate for including health in IEQ assessments for years and has been working with sensitive people for decades. Recently Carl worked with ASHRAE to better define health. He also spoke at IAQA on including people in assessments. In addition, Carl has extensive insight into the IICRC S520 over the years and has some thoughts on the latest proposed revisions.
Hayward Score Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes, HHS CIEC, has a unique combination of experiences. He has both the personal experience of how an unhealthy home created his disabling impact, plus the professional experience in various industries working in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) field. Carl wrote Starting Points for a Healthy Habitat in 1999, detailing possibilities of what could occur in a house to make its occupants sick, how to identify what was happening, what to do about it, what not to do, and how to verify the results.
The book led to an invitation to speak at the national conference of the Indoor Air Quality Association, which led to an invitation to serve on a committee that wrote the first mold remediation standard. This was followed by revising the ANSI accredited water damage restoration standard, duct cleaning standards for two organizations, fire residue in HVAC systems, and eventually to the creation of IAQA’s Home Health Committee. Under his leadership a new course was developed in partnership with the National Center for Healthy Housing and Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City: Healthy Home Assessment: Principles and Practice. Other activities included serving on the Board of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) as the Vice President of Practice, on the ethics committee of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the Joint Task Force workgroup of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI-ACAAI). The latter developed four medical practice parameters for allergists plus an entire issue of a leading peer reviewed journal on mold. He was on the committee that wrote the ASHRAE Position Document on Limiting Indoor Mold and Dampness in Buildings.

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
This week we are updating and adding photos to a great flashback show with Ed Light and the late Marty King. This was an excellent show on the assessment of smoke Damage which is once again a hot topic again. With all the wildfires, train wrecks and recycling fires this show from 3-23-12 is as relevant today as it was then. Let’s learn from those that have been there and done that Marty King and Ed Light.
Martin King was the Restoration Industries Association Technical Adviser for 30 years, where he developed a broad range of restoration procedures and published over 300 articles in trade journals. He also served as CEO of Martin Churchill Associates, Inc. Damage Investigators and Appraisers and has investigated and prepared formal reports on over 2000 property damage cases. Recently Light N King have been working together to improve the knowledge and science behind fire damage restoration and repair. Unfortunately, fire damage and restoration issues often times take a back seat to more “sexy” mold. It seems that mold gets all the attention even though fire damage is an extremely important issue.
Ed Light holds degrees in Environmental Science from the University of Massachusetts (B.S.) and Marshall University (M.S.), is a Senior Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, has authored over 40 scientific publications on assessment and control of the indoor environment and has chaired several national scientific committees. In the 1980’s, Ed established the West Virginia Department of Health IAQ Program, pioneering efforts to resolve exposure issues related to formaldehyde, asbestos, and termiticides. In the 1990’s, he developed widely used protocols for addressing IEQ complaints (published by EPA, NIOSH and ISIAQ) and managing air quality in occupied buildings under construction (for SMACNA, promulgated by ANSI). As a consultant, Ed has directed more than 1000 multi-disciplinary IEQ investigations, ranging from the White House to the South Pole Station. He has been admitted as an expert witness in numerous litigations.

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
This week we welcome Jie Zhao, PhD VP at Delos Labs for a show on how modern buildings are integrating IEQ controls, lighting, acoustics and more to make work environments healthy and high performing.
Dr. Zhao is the Head of Delos Labs and an Executive Vice President at Delos. Delos is a wellness, real estate and technology company headquartered in New York City. As the creator of the WELL Building Standard, Delos develops products, programs and solutions that transform our environments into vehicles for health, well-being, performance, and resilience. Jie leads the research team to support product innovations and market strategies. He is also a lecturer in the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on Human-building Interactions, including total building performance, occupant behavior in buildings, sensing and controls in buildings, health, comfort, and productivity of building occupants, as well as building energy efficiency and sustainability. Jie received his PhD in Building Performance and Diagnostics from Carnegie Mellon University.

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
This week we honor and memorialize Hal Levin an IAQ Pioneer by remastering and adding photos to our part 2 show from 6-18-2010. In this episode we will go into more detail about some of his most interesting projects and explore some current events in the IAQ and building science. A nice obituary for Hal can be found here.

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.