
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Ritchie C Shoemaker MD has been involved in the field of medical evaluation and treatment of patients sickened by exposure to the interior environment of water-damaged buildings for 16 years. He has diagnosed and treated over 7000 patients; written and published multiple academic papers in peer reviewed literature; as well as three books, with the last published in 2014, State of the Art Answers to 500 Mold Questions. He lectures widely in the US and internationally. Since his medical retirement in January 2013 he has continued research into the basic genomics and brain inflammation effects of exposure. Through his website, www.survivingmold.com, he has trained physicians to certify in his treatment protocols.
During our last show with Dr. Shoemaker Episode 235 on 2-10-12 we discussed the latest research on what he and some colleagues have labeled Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) from Water Damaged Buildings (WDB). Since then Dr. Shoemaker and his colleagues have been using brain imaging combined with an FDA cleared software that correlates with symptoms and physiology. The program is called NeuroQuant�??�?�® and we will LEARN MORE today about how Dr. Shoemaker is using the Union of Genomics and NeuroQuant�??�?�® in his research on CIRS-WDB.

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
This week IAQ Radio we look forward to an ASHRAE IAQA update along with a discussion of high performance buildings and education of industry professionals. Joining us are ASHRAE Secretary Tim Wentz, PE of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln and IAQA BOD member Don Herrmann of DC Herrmann & Associates.
Timothy G. Wentz, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, ASHRAE-Certified High Performance Building Design Professional and associate professor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln is currently serving as ASHRAE Secrerary and has previously served the society in numerous leadership positions. Mr. Wentz was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska. Upon graduation from the University, Prof. Wentz went to work for his family's mechanical contracting firm. As the fourth generation to join the firm, he had the opportunity to develop an expertise in mechanical design, estimating, and construction management. Since entering academia Prof. Wentz has received numerous awards and honors for his teaching and service to the HVAC industry. He is the recipient of the E.K. Campbell Award of Merit, a Region IX Regional Award of Merit, a Region IX Chapter President of the Year and a Regional Energy Award. The Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) has named Tim their national "Educator of the Year" award on three occasions and in 2009 awarded Mr. Wentz its highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award.
Donald Herrmann is a LEED® Accredited Professional (BD+C and EB+O&M), Green Globes Professional, High Performance Building Design Professional, New and Existing Certified Building Commissioning Professional, Florida Certified Mechanical Contractor, Certified Indoor Air Quality Professional, Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant, and Building Scientist with over 30 years experience in mechanical system design, indoor environmental design and energy conservation in the public, industrial, institutional, and residential sectors. He has expertise in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of today's high performance buildings including; HVAC, energy and load analysis, indoor environmental quality, codes & standards and the integration of building systems.
LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio Friday's at noon eastern!

Friday Nov 14, 2014
Friday Nov 14, 2014
This week IAQ Radio welcomes back Mr. Ed Light, CIH to discuss alternatives and limitations to IAQ Testing. Is the industry too reliant on testing? What is the science behind clearance testing for mold? What is the science behind the LEED VOC testing requirements? What is the engineering approach to clearance? Times change, the science changes, people change but we still see many of the same clearance methods that were used 15 years ago. What are the limitations of these methods and what are the alternatives?
Mr. Light has specialized in the indoor environmental sciences since 1982, when he directed a pioneering IAQ Program for the West Virginia Department of Health. A Senior Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, he has published extensively. As a consultant with Building Dynamics, he has conducted over 1000 IAQ investigations, including assessments of the White House, South Pole Station and Sing Sing Prison. In his other life, Ed is lead singer and first chair banjoist with the All New Genetically Altered Jug Band and author of There's A Fungus Among Us!
LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio Friday's at noon eastern!

Friday Nov 07, 2014
Friday Nov 07, 2014
This week we are happy to announce the return of Alan Zelicoff, MD to discuss the current Ebola Scare in the US. We will discuss the hype and the reality surrounding this issue. Has the 24-7 cable news environment over-hyped this issue or are the CDC and others downplaying what could be a huge problem for this country and the world? Dr. Zelicoff last joined us over five years ago on episode #143 when when Avian Flu was in the news. People were concerned about the potential for a pandemic but that crisis never materialized. The current Ebola coverage has been similar to what we saw during the 2009 scare or has it? Alan Zelicoff is a physician (board certified in internal medicine 1992, clinical fellowship in rheumatology, 1983) and physicist (A.B., Princeton, 1975), who has had a varied career including clinical practice, teaching, and operations research. In the latter roles, he was Senior Scientist in the Center for National Security and Arms Control at Sandia National Laboratories from 1989 to 2003. Dr. Zelicoff's interests include risk and hazard analysis in hospital systems and office-based practice, and in technologies for improving the responsiveness of public health offices and countering biological weapons terrorism. Dr. Zelicoff has traveled extensively in countries of the former Soviet Union and has led joint research projects in epidemiology of infectious disease, while establishing Internet access at Russian and Kazak biological laboratories. He is the author of numerous text book chapters and articles in these subjects, and is a frequent contributor to Op-Ed pages in the Washington Post and other newspapers. Dr. Zelicoff's latest book is: Microbe: Are we Ready for the Next Plague? published by AMAZON Books.
LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio Friday's at noon eastern!

Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
This week Radio Joe and the Z-man are going to have an open discussion about industry and current events. Last week they attended the IICRC (Joe) and IICRCA (Cliff) Board of Directors meetings. IAQ Radio has also been reporting on the IAQA/ASHRAE merger and other industry related issues and events. Where does it all go from here? We also have a big show next week with Alan Zelicoff, MD coming back to discuss the current Ebola situation in the world. The last time Dr. Zelicoff joined us we dicussed the H1N1 flu and related issues. We will lay some groundwork this week so we can get right into the tough questions with Dr. Zelicoff next week. IAQ Radio has a new engineer for the show and since its only his second week we do not want to put to much pressure on him too soon. Frank "Zappa" Amato is now handling the engineering for IAQ Radio, Frank is an audio/video student at Allegany College of Maryland. He has been working with IAQ Training and IAQ Radio helping with our audio, video and internet presence. Please help us welcome Frank!

Friday Oct 24, 2014
Friday Oct 24, 2014
On this episode of IAQ Radio Tony Havics, PE, CIH, CHMM, Wane Baker, PE, CIH and Tom Yacobellis joined us to discuss the reason particles behave the way they do, the challenges in determining how well we are capturing these particles, and the limitations of our instruments and equipment when it comes to particle capture and measurement. The committee working on the standard for in-field testing of Air Filtration Devices has been somewhat snake bitten and stalled but I spoke to the committee chair (Tom Yacobellis) and he is going to put a final push on to try and complete this much needed standard. In spite of not having a completed standard the information discussed on this show gives great guidance for how to handle the issue until the final standard comes out and it's definitely worthy of re-broadcast. Andrew Anthony "Tony" Havics, P.E., CIH, CHMM -Mr. Havics is an Honors graduate from Georgia Institute of Technology with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), and a registered Professional Environmental Engineer (PE) with nearly 25 years of experience in environmental, health and safety consulting. He is the Past Chair of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Workplace Environmental Exposure Limit (WEEL) Committee that has set over 100 exposure limits for hazardous agents. Wane A. Baker, P.E., CIH -Mr. Baker is currently the Training Manager at Trane Graduate Training Program. He is a graduate of the Institute of Technology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) and Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) with 35 years of experience in the operation, maintenance and evaluation of various building types. This includes more than 30 years at a professional level in environmental consulting, construction and energy conservation. He has worked as an IEQ / EH&S professional on a full-time basis for the past 20 years. Tom Yacobellis -Tom has 25 years experience in the design, installation, and restoration of HVAC systems and 20 years specifically in the HVAC remediation industry. Prior to becoming President of DUCTZ National Service Team, Tom was Founder and President of DUCTBUSTERS�®. He was responsible for developing the largest independent network of licensed HVAC contractors dedicated to total system cleaning and restoration. He has served as President of the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) and also served on numerous other industry boards and executive committees. LEARN MORE about the limitations of our equipment and what to do about it this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Oct 10, 2014
Friday Oct 10, 2014
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome back Richard Corsi, PhD and Brandon Boor for a discussion about bringing research to practitioners. We will focus on some of Mr. Boorâ??s research projects and discuss how they can assist IAQ practitioners in the real world. Dr. Corsi is the Chair & ECH Bantel Professor for Professional Practice Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California at Davis in 1989. He joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in 1994. Dr. Corsi researches indoor air quality, including sources and control of indoor air pollution and human exposure to indoor toxins. He has also studied how architectural materials can remove chemicals from building air, offering protection for occupants following terrorist attacks.
Brandon Boor completed his undergraduate studies at York College of PA where he had the opportunity to do an engineering co-op with Andy Persily's IAQ group at NIST. Dr. Persily was a guest on IAQ Radio May 21, 2010. This experience sparked his interest in IAQ research. Brandon began graduate studies at UT Austin in 2009, and has worked with Dr. Corsi and others on various research projects related to human exposure and particle resuspension. He is currently living in Helsinki, Finland, where he has spent over a year and a half working with groups at the University of Helsinki and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
We are also looking forward to an update on the IAQA/ASHRAE unification with Dr. Eva King. This will also be the first in a monthly series of interviews with IAQA reps on how things are going with the two groups now working together. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Oct 03, 2014
Friday Oct 03, 2014
This week on IAQ Radio Rebecca Morley and Kevin Kennedy join us to discuss the New National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) National Healthy Housing Standard. The NCHH and the American Public Health Association (APHA) have
created the evidence-based "National Healthy Housing Standard" as a tool to reconnect the housing and public health sectors and as an evidence-based standard of care for those in the position of improving housing conditions. The document draws from the latest and best thinking in the fields of environmental public health, safety, building science, engineering, and indoor environmental quality.
Rebecca Morley is the Executive Director of the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), a national nonprofit organization dedicated to creating healthy and safe housing for children. She led the development of the National Healthy Homes Training Center, spearheaded NCHH's recovery work in the Gulf Coast region following hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and more recently launched the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition. She has authored and edited numerous publications, including the book, Healthy and Safe Homes: Research, Practice, and Policy.
Kevin Kennedy is an Environmental Hygienist and is the Managing Director for the Center for Environmental Health at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City, MO. The center provides patient-based services, training, and education, and performs research in indoor environmental health. Mr. Kennedy has been involved in housing and school environmental health assessments for over 10 years and environmental science and industrial hygiene chemistry consulting for over 20 years.
Both have joined us before and we look forward to having them help us to LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Sep 26, 2014
Friday Sep 26, 2014
This week on IAQ Radio Dr. Richard Corsi joins us to discuss his closing plenary presentation at Indoor Air 2014 in Hong Kong. Richard Corsi, PhD is the Chair & ECH Bantel Professor for Professional Practice Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California at Davis in 1989. He joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in 1994. Dr. Corsi researches indoor air quality, including sources and control of indoor air pollution and human exposure to indoor toxins. He has also studied how architectural materials can remove chemicals from building air, offering protection for occupants following terrorist attacks.
Over the next few months IAQ Radio will be doing interviews with Dr. Corsi's post grad students at the University of Texas Austins Indoor Environments program. We will be discussing the research work the group has been doing with a focus on how to take research and to the field. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Sep 19, 2014
Friday Sep 19, 2014
This week on IAQ Radio Bud Offermann returns to discuss new research on E-Cigarettes, ventilation and more. Mr. Offermann has over 25 years experience as an IAQ researcher, sick building investigator, mitigation planner, healthy building design consultant, expert witness, technical author, and workshop instructor. He is president of Indoor Environmental Engineering, a San Francisco based IAQ consulting firm.
Under Mr. Offermann's supervision IEE has developed both pro-active and reactive IAQ measurement methods and diagnostic protocols. He has been a recipient of State and Federal research grants regarding building air quality and ventilation field studies (e.g. EPA BASE study of IAQ in office buildings and schools), tracer gas techniques, in situ contaminant emission rate measurements, and the development of indoor air quality measurement instrumentation.
Prior to starting up Indoor Environmental Engineering, Mr. Offermann was a Staff Scientist with the Building Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Program, Energy and Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.