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Friday Mar 20, 2015

Earlier this week the 18th Annual Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) Conference and Expo was held in Grapevine, Texas. This was the last show with the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) and the last show prior to joining forces with ASHRAE and the AHR Expo in January 2016. Radio Joe was in attendance and has lined up some great guests to join us for this weeks show, we are looking forward to getting their thoughts on the conference. Joining us will be Restoration Industry Association (RIA) Industry Adviser Pete Consigli, Healthy Indoor Magazine Editor Bob Krell and IAQA President Kent Rawhouser. The group will recap key moments, discuss new information learned and fill listeners in on key developments announced during this years event. Dr. Eva King went above and beyond in bringing in a respected and knowledgeable group of speakers this year including keynote speakers, Joe Lstiburek, Ph.D. and Bill Banfleth, Ph.D. We will also discuss thoughts of members, review highlights from the IAQA Annual meeting and news from the vendors on the Expo floor. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio with an all star lineup reviewing a fantastic show.

Friday Mar 13, 2015

This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Dr. Brent Stephens to discuss how building science is used to ensure energy efficiency and IAQ can co-exist. Dr. Stephens is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) where he teaches courses in Building Science, Building Enclosure Design, and Indoor Air Pollution. He has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and an M.S.E. in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, both from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Stephens and members of his Built Environment Research Group (BERG) at IIT conduct research on energy and air quality in the built environment, primarily with field measurements in and around buildings. Their work continues to advance methods for assessing energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and environmental exposures within buildings. They are on the leading edge of the segment of academia intent on ensuring energy efficiency and good indoor environmental quality can co-exist. LEARN MORE about the Built Environment Research Group (BERG) here http://built-envi.com/ and on IAQ Radio today!

Friday Mar 06, 2015

This week on IAQ Radio we welcome a respected industry veteran Mr. Alan Veeck, CAFS, NCTII. Al is Executive Director of the National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) which is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He is a 1969 graduate of Butler University in Indianapolis, IN, with a degree in Business Adm. He began his 3rd career in the air filtration business in 1985 with Tidewater Air Filter as Vice President of Sales. While with Tidewater, Al was elected President of the National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) in 1999. He also served and worked on the committee that wrote the first book on air filtration, NAFA Guide to Air Filtration, and was part of the first group of NAFA members to pass the national accreditation exam to become a NAFA Certified Air Filter Specialist (CAFS).
Mr. Veeck also worked on the committee to write the second text for NAFA entitled, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Air Filtration Systems. When he retired from the filter industry in 2002, NAFA was searching for someone to manage the national trade association and asked Al to take the position. With prior experience in association work, Al accepted and has been NAFA's Executive Director ever since. He is a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) since 1985 and headed ASHRAE TC2.4 of which he is still a voting member, and a member of International Facility Management Association (IFMA) since 1998. He is the recipient of both the NAFA Distinguished Service Award and the ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and Distinguished Service Award.
LEARN MORE about IEQ and filtration including a review of the recent NAFA document titled "HVAC filtration and the Wells-Riley approach to assessing risks of infectious airborne diseases" this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Feb 27, 2015

Dr. Siegel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at The University of Toronto. Prior to accepting his current position he was an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Austin. His interests and research have focused on healthy and sustainable buildings, ventilation and indoor air quality in residential and commercial buildings, control of indoor particulate matter, secondary impacts of control technologies and strategies, aerosol dynamics in indoor environments and HVAC systems. He is also keenly interested in ensuring that good research works its way into practice and this week we want to focus on that theme. Dr. Siegel's Ph.D. is in Mechanical Engineering (2002) from the University of California, Berkeley, he also has an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (1999) from the same institution and a B.S. in Engineering (1995) from Swarthmore College. He is a prolific researcher and speaker and a very active member of professionals societies and associations including ISIAQ and ASHRAE. We look forward to LEARNING MORE with him this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Feb 20, 2015

Dirty Jobs, Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Bar Rescue and other reality shows make good television entertainment and most of us watch them. This week's guest on IAQradio is Ed Ranieri, 32 year restoration industry veteran and star of the TV show Catastrophe Inc. which aired on HGTV, DIY network, DIY network Canada and now is running on HGTV Switzerland.
Service Master by AmeriSteam is owned by Ed Ranieri and Enzo Maddalena and is located in Brook Park, Ohio. Ed and Enzo are the Cleveland "Masters of Disaster." Ever wonder what goes into making a reality TV show? Then be sure to tune into IAQradio, Friday at noon eastern time and LEARN MORE when Radio Joe and the Z-Man interview Ed Ranieri.

Friday Feb 13, 2015

This week we welcome Tom Robertson who directs the North America operations of The International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS), where he founded the TIEMS USA local chapter. He is Technical Manager for TIEMS in the European Union ASSET Program, which is developing improved, participatory approaches to pandemic response. He is also leading the TIEMS initiative, Disaster Resilience Establishment in Vulnerable Societies (DREVS).
Tom is Founder and Principal at Thinking Teams, an international consultancy to leaders and organizations seeking high performance teams dealing with complexity, uncertainty, and risk. His clients include BAE Systems, The European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, and The Oregon Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies. He is active in the Oregon Organizational Development Network's Community Consulting Program, which specializes in making not-for-profit organizations more effective.
Tom earned a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, where he did research in bioengineering, communications, and artificial intelligence. At Bell Laboratories he developed new techniques for monitoring and trouble-shooting system failures. He performed and led advanced research and development in simulation, image processing, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, and systems engineering in roles including Associate Technical Group Director, BAE Systems; Director, Advanced Information Sciences Division at The Analytic Sciences Corporation; Director of Engineering and Chief Scientist at Lockheed Martin Advanced Simulation Centre; and Vice President/General Manager at Atlantic Aerospace.
The Z-Man and I met Tom at the TIEMS Conference held at Purdue last year. We were impressed with the speaker lineup and the collaboration with the disaster restoration and demolition industries at what has primarily been an academic conference. LEARN MORE about TIEMS and large scale emergency response this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Feb 06, 2015

This week we go back into the archives for one of our favorite episodes. It does not feel like almost seven years since we had Dr. Lstiburek on and the information within is still as relevant today as it was then. The key to solving IAQ issues is understanding how building science is the foundation under all we do. The four P's are People, Pollutant, Pathway and Pressurization, building science is the key to understanding two of those four components.
Joseph Lstiburek is a principal of Building Science Corporation. Dr. Lstiburek has been a licensed Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario since 1982 and is an ASHRAE Fellow. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Building Science at the University of Toronto. He has over thirty years of experience in design, construction, investigation, and building science research. Through the Department of Energy's Building America program, Dr. Lstiburek has forged partnerships with designers, builders, developers, materials suppliers and equipment manufacturers to build higher performance buildings across the U.S.
LEARN MORE this week on on IAQ Radio!

Friday Jan 30, 2015

This week we welcome Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, M.A.Sc, P Eng. and Don Weekes, CIH of In Air Environmental. InAir and their dynamic duo leaders are widely recognized as being a step ahead when it comes to providing state of the art consulting services related to IAQ, Green Buildings and industrial hygiene. We look forward to hearing what they see as the current and future trends in the industry along with a review of the ASHRAE conference where ASHRAE and IAQA finalized the merger of the two organizations.
Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes is a co-founder and partner of InAIR Environmental Ltd., an indoor environmental quality consulting firm. Lan Chi's profile includes over 26 years of engineering experience with 23 years in the indoor environment field. She holds a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the �?cole Polytechnique of Montr�©al and a Masters in Applied Science in Building Environment from Concordia University in Montr�©al, Qu�©bec. Lan Chi has served as President of the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE and of the Ottawa Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council. She is currently serving on the Environmental Health Committee and TC1.12 for ASHRAE and on the technical committee for Healthy Building 2015, Boulder, Colorado.
Donald Weekes, CIH is InAIR Environmental's Certified Industrial Hygienist and has been providing environmental and occupational health and safety assistance for more than 35 years. He is affiliated with the American Industrial of Hygiene Association (AIHA) as past Chair of the Indoor Environmental Quality Committee and as a Fellow of the Association. He is a four-time recipient of the AIHAâ??s Best Seller award for the "Report of the Microbial Task Force" in 2001 and 2002, the "Assessment, Remediation and Post-Remediation Verification of Mold in Buildings" publication in 2004, and the Green Book, aka "Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Indoor Mold", book in 2008.

Friday Jan 23, 2015

This week we welcome Brent Kynoch the Managing Director of the Environmental Information Association (EIA) and principle of Kynoch Environmental Management Inc. EIA had its beginnings as the National Asbestos Council and is headquartered just outside of Washington, DC in Chevy Chase, MD. Mr. Kynoch has been the Managing Director of the Association since 1996, but previously had served EIA in other volunteer roles on the Board of Directors as an officer, and ultimately as the President of EIA in 1988 and 1989. EIA has spent 30 years at the forefront in providing its members with the information needed to remain knowledgeable, responsible and competitive in the environmental health and safety industry. When Mr. Kynoch changes his hat to his "paying job," he is the President of Kynoch Environmental Management, Inc., (KEM) an environmental engineering and industrial hygiene firm also headquarted in Chevy Chase, MD. KEM provides innovative environmental solutions to general contractors, owners, property managers and the commercial real estate community to address concerns associated with asbestos, lead, indoor air quality, mold, PCBs, mercury, LEED compliance and environmental management systems. LEARN MORE about the EIA and Mr. Kynoch this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Jan 16, 2015

This week we return to our series with Dr. Richard Corsi and his Doctoral Candidate students at the University of Texas at Austin. Joining us for Part three of our series is Josh Alred. Josh is currently stationed in Austin as part of his active duty service in the US Air Force. The Air Force is sponsoring his attendance at U of T while he completes his work on his PhD. From 20010 until 2012 Mr. Aldred was an instructor and Assistant Professor at the US Air Force Academy. His dissertation is titled "The Nexus of Energy and Health: A systems Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Ozone Control by Activated Carbon Filtration in Buildings. We will discuss the practical applications of his various research projects and papers including an interesting paper on investigating the effects of ambient air pollution on military personnel serving in the Middle East.
Richard Corsi, PhD is the Chair & ECH Bantel Professor for Professional Practice Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California at Davis in 1989. He joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in 1994. Dr. Corsi researches indoor air quality, including sources and control of indoor air pollution and human exposure to indoor toxins.
LEARN MORE and help us continue on our quest helping to bring research to practice today at noon eastern on IAQ Radio!


IAQ Radio+

This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.

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