
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
The theme of this week's show is: "Making friends out of the people you do business with", a "coffee table" conservation with Nick &John Paolella Co-founders of Jon Don, Inc. Please note this week's show has a special start time, 2:00pm Eastern Time!
The Z-man has been in Chicago all week as part of the Restoration Industry Association's (RIA) Certified Restorer (CR) instructional team. Jon Don's corporate headquarters in Roselle, IL is serving as the host facility for this year's CR prep week.
Radio Joe is flying into Chicago to join the Z-man for an intimate interview with the founders of IAQ Radio's Marquis sponsor. Global Watchdog Pete Consigli also in town with the CR instructional team in his role as RIA's Director of Education and will join the group around the "coffee table" for this most unique show.
Jon Don is known for its legendary customer service and unparalleled support of the industry associations, trade shows and educational & certification programs. This is evident in its pioneering flagship program called, "Strategies for Success® Intensive Training Seminar (SFS)". Nick and John will share their thoughts with the IAQ Radio's audience on how making friends out of the people you do business with can dramatically help your company be more successful.
Success in business and life is about developing mutually beneficial relationships. Give as much or more than one takes. Teddy Roosevelt has a well known quote that says, "Every man has an obligation to give back to the industry from which he derives his livelihood. Jon Don and its people serves as a model for the spirit of that sentiment.
Join us this week and get insights on how to succeed by giving others what they want first and then getting what you want. Take care of your people who will take care of your customers and build a business that will take care of the owners!

Friday Oct 30, 2015
Friday Oct 30, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we are calling an audible and interviewing Jocelyn Dornfeld of A&J Specialty Services, Inc. DKI. Our interview with David Underwood, President ASHRAE had to be postponed but we were fortunate to find that Jocelyn can join us on short notice to discuss her "Big Idea". Jocelyn Dornfeld works at A&J Specialty Services, a disaster restoration and specialty cleaning firm in DeForest, Wisconsin. Jocelyn has come up with an idea that we think has the potential of going global. Her big idea is simple, "doing something kind for a stranger and expecting nothing in return." Jocelyn's idea is on its way. Join us on IAQradio at noon eastern time when we learn more about her campaign for Restoring Kindness.

Friday Oct 23, 2015
Friday Oct 23, 2015
Mr. Fugler is a Senior Researcher and Project Manager for the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation (CMHC). Don has been a fixture at CMHC for going on 30 years and has been responsible for some of the most important energy, IAQ and building science research in the world. Join us to LEARN MORE about the gold mine of resources and research at your fingertips because of people like this weeks guest.

Friday Oct 16, 2015
Friday Oct 16, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we have a show on a subject we have rarely discussed. We talk a lot about doing construction when there are existing IAQ or disaster related damage but we have not discussed in detail what type of control should occur on every day remodeling projects. We were contacted by Build Clean Dust Control System and after looking it over the Z-man and I decided we would like to hear more about what at least one manufacturer/distributor is calling livable remodeling.
Brian Paich is the Business Development Manager for BuildClean Dust Control System, A Division of Illinois Tool Works. He has extensive experience in the home remodeling market through working alongside his grandfather, a carpenter in Chicago, and through his work at ITW, a Fortune 200 company, and other businesses. At ITW, he leads the team that developed the new BuildClean Dust Control System, an invention they claim has transformed the way contractors manage remodeling dust in residential projects. Brian has worked directly with contractors and homeowners across the country for several years, learning what is most important to both audiences. He has an MBA in Finance from University of Chicago. Brian is very active in the remodeling industry and its many associations.
LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Oct 09, 2015
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Last week was the IAQ Training Institute, IAQ Radio and the The Restoration and Specialty Cleaners Association (TRSCA) got together to sponsor the Healthy Building Summit 2015. "The Summit" is a week long event that includes courses on mold, indoor environmental quality, water damage restoration plus this years main event the IEQ, Mold and Disaster Restoration Conference.
The conference featured speakers such as Dr. Jeff Siegel, Dr. Joe Spurgeon, Kevin Kennedy, Carl Grimes, Dr. Patricia Cafaro, Eric Shapiro, Luke Gard, Richard Rue, Nate Adams, Dr. Eva King, Dr. Ralph Moon, Cliff Zlotnik, Pete Consigli, Ed Ranieri, Jim Pemberton, Marc Selvitelli and Dave Drinnard who arranged for a hands on demo of the Echo blaster. We also continued our tradition of doing research projects. This years projects were on how containments affect IEQ parameters and measurement of allergen load before and after specific response actions.
This week on IAQ Radio Radio Joe, Pete Consigli, Ed Ranieri and Nate Adams will discuss what was learned and what practitioners, researchers and building owners need to know to keep buildings healthy and sustainable. Some of the information will surprise you. The Summit was a great success this year and the "Practice to Research" theme was a big hit. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Oct 02, 2015
Friday Oct 02, 2015
Creator of the "Risk = Hazard + Outrage" formula for risk communication, Peter M. Sandman is one of the preeminent risk communication speakers and consultants in the United States today, and has also worked extensively in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere. His unique and effective approach to managing risk controversies has made him much in demand for other sorts of reputation management as well. Dr. Sandman has helped his clients through a wide range of public controversies that threatened corporate or government reputation -from oil spills to labor-management battles; from vaccine autism scares to the siting of hazardous waste facilities. In the terms first popularized by Dr. Sandman, these are usually situations where the "hazard" is low, the "outrage" is high, and the core task is outrage management.

Friday Sep 25, 2015
Friday Sep 25, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we will discuss a topic every IAQ and Disaster Restoration pro has had to deal with at some point. Odors are funny things and they can be very hard to deal with, this weeks guest is no stranger to odors and neither is the Z-man. My conversation with the two of them will be a learning experience for all.
Kyle Knappenberger is the Director of Applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions LLC, Fort Myers, FL. Kyle holds a Bachelors of Sciences degree in microbiology from Kansas State University. He earned his degree while researching and testing water purification techniques. For over a decade Kyle has been working on using safe metal oxide technology for odor control and toxic chemical neutralization applications. Kyle joined Timilon in 2013 when they acquired the technology behind FAST-ACT® and OdorKlenz® from the company where he previously held a variety of leadership positions. He has been involved in several key product development programs related to indoor air quality, including those for disaster restoration and individuals dealing with multi chemical sensitivity. Kyle co-holds six patents related to the mitigation of chemical and biological contamination.
LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Sep 18, 2015
Friday Sep 18, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we start a new feature plus interview a cleaning and restoration industry veteran. Radio Joe will give listeners a rundown of current events in the IAQ, building science and disaster restoration industry and for the second half of our show cleaning and restoration industry veteran John Downey joins us to discuss his role as Editor of The IICRC Journal. In addition to being editor of The Journal Mr. Downey continues to run a multi generational carpet cleaning company Downeys Carpet Care of Granville, Ohio and was the founder of Cleanfax Magazine. LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio!

Friday Sep 11, 2015
Friday Sep 11, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Kevin Kennedy, Luke Gard and Eric Shapiro. Listeners know Kevin from his prior interviews with us but this time he has one of his top lieutenants joining him along with a friend and colleague of all of ours Mr. Eric Shapiro. We are going to discuss how research should be informing practice and what we can do to help. For the past few years Luke and Eric have been running the live research we have been performing at our annual conference for IAQ Training Institute, LLC. We set up very similar hotel rooms for a simulated remediation. We set up the rooms in ways that are common in the IEQ world one was negatively pressurized, one was set up just scrubbing the air with a HEPA filtered AFD and one was set up doing both negative pressure and scrubbing. Our class participants measured various parameters before, during and after the set up of different types of containments. We will discuss the results and we will go into other research done by and being done by Kevin's group at Childrens Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Aug 28, 2015
Friday Aug 28, 2015
Philip R. Morey received his Ph.D. degree in Biology from Yale University and is certified in the comprehensive practice of industrial hygiene by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. Dr. Morey has held various teaching positions including Lecturer of Biology at Harvard University and Professor of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University. He has also held a research position (Research Microbiologist; Research Industrial Hygienist) while at The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the 1980s and was subsequently Director of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)/Microbiology at several consulting companies. Currently, Dr. Morey is Principal Consultant Microbiology at ENVIRON International Corporation. Dr. Morey was one of the panelists for the first consensus mold remediation guideline published by the New York Department of Health in 1993. He was Assistant Editor of the 1999 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control book. He has written two books: How Trees Grow and Biological Contaminants in Indoor Environments.

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.