
Friday Jan 29, 2016
Friday Jan 29, 2016
The ASHRAE and IAQA Conferences and the AHR Expo were this week in Orlando, FL. Due to technical issues and weather related travel problems the live show from the IAQA Conference had to be cancelled, BUT that gives us the opportunity to welcome ASHRAE President David Underwood, IAQA President Kent Rawhouser and IAQA Executive Director Stephanie Sears to discuss the conference, the consolidation and the future of the organizations today on IAQ Radio. We never could have gotten all three of these leaders on one show at the conference, so maybe we got lucky with the weather! Join us live on today at noon or download the show later but LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio!

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Two of the most important disaster restoration industry standards are the IICRC S520 Professional Mold Remediation Standard and Reference Guide and the S500 Professional Water Damage Restoration Standard and Reference Guide. Both documents were recently revised and this week we are going to discuss the revisions with the S520 Consensus Body Chairman Jim Pearson. Mr. Pearson is a Certified Mechanical Hygienist and the President and C.E.O. of Mold Inspection Services, Inc. He is also the co-owner of Americlean Corporation, a full-service disaster restoration business operating in Billings, Montana for the past 35 years. Jim is the Chairman of the Consensus Body responsible for publishing the IICRC S520 Standard & Reference Guide for Professional Mold Remediation. A published author, industry speaker and Past Shareholder Representative to the IICRC, Jim is the Chairman of the Board of the IICRCA and a past officer and Director of the Restoration Industry Association. Jim is also a decorated Viet Nam veteran who has been blessed with seven grandchildren. Mr. Pearson has also continues to perform in a 4-piece country and rock and roll band as he has for the past 30 years. Stream IAQ Radio live at noon or download the show later to LEARN MORE!

Friday Jan 15, 2016
Friday Jan 15, 2016
This week we have an interview that has been anticipated for some time. We called it Building Physics and IAQ and look forward to talking with Dr. Sherman. Max Sherman is a Senior Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with over 30 years of experience in building physics. He has a Ph.D. in Physics from Berkeley and is an international expert in air leakage, HVAC, indoor air quality, infiltration, moisture, energy efficiency, and related topics. He is a well-regarded member of ASHRAE having served on the Board of Directors and many technical positions and is currently a Distinguished Lecturer; he is a recipient of ASHRAE's Exceptional Service Award and ASHRAE's highest technical award as a Holladay Distinguished Fellow. He has also been elected a Fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). He represents the United States on International Energy Agency tasks such as the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center. He serves on national and international committees and editorial boards and does outside consulting. Tune in at noon or download the show later to LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio!

Friday Jan 08, 2016
Friday Jan 08, 2016
During our last show of 2015 we started going back and discussing what we learned from the excellent shows we had in 2015. It became evident early on that we had learned so much it would take two parts to cover it all. This week Radio Joe and the Z-man will take a look back at the second half of 2015 and discuss what we learned from the fantastic shows and guests we had. We want to thank all our loyal listeners and our esteemed guests for another year of education and communication with IAQ Radio. Every week we are honored to interview and learn from leaders in the industry. Our knowledge about the built environment and how we interact with it is growing exponentially. We love being able to spread that knowledge. Our focus on research to practice was just one of the highlights last year. Tune in, check out part two and LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Dec 18, 2015
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Radio Joe and the Z-man will take a look back at 2015 and comment on the fantastic shows and guests we had this year. We want to thank all our loyal listeners and our wonderful guests for another year of education and communication with IAQ Radio. Every week we are honored to interview and learn from leaders in the industry. Knowledge about our built environment and how we interact with it continues to grow faster every year and we love being able to spread that knowledge. Our focus on research to practice has been just one of the highlights this year. We will talk about that and a lot more this week so tune in and LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Joining us this week is Author and ASHRAE Past International President H. E. Barney Burroughs (CIAQP, PM-FASHRAE). Barney Burroughs is a technical consultant in the field of Indoor Environmental Quality and is a recognized expert in Indoor Air Quality and Air Cleaning. He is the primary author of the Burroughs/Hansen â??Managing Indoor Air Qualityâ??, now in fifth edition. Barney is the President and CEO of Building Wellness Consultancy, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in IAQ diagnostics and training, filtration, and related IAQ and Building Health, Safety, and Security issues. He is a prolific author of numerous papers/articles and is a lecturer on IAQ and frequently leads seminars on that and related subjects.Mr. Burroughs is a Past International President (1987/88) and Fellow of ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc.). He has attained the ASHRAE Distinguished Service and Exceptional Service Awards, and was designated as a Distinguished Lecturer with ASHRAEâ??s Education Program. He is the current recipient of the ASHRAE Environmental Health Award.

Friday Dec 04, 2015
Friday Dec 04, 2015
A hot topic in the research community is the microbiome of the built environment. This week on IAQ Radio we welcome one of the leading researchers in this area Dr. Jordan Peccia. Dr. Peccia is an Associate Professor of environmental engineering at Yale University, the director of Yale environmental engineering's undergraduate studies, and the faculty advisor for Yale Engineers Without Borders. He is an associate editor for the journal Indoor Air, and is the 2014-15 chair of the Indoor Aerosols and Aerosol Exposure working group for the American Association for Aerosol Research. Research in the Peccia lab integrates microbiology with engineering to address important contemporary environmental problems. The principle areas of research include: (i) human exposure to bacterial and viral pathogens emitted during the land application of sewage sludge, (ii) the sources of and human exposure to bacteria and fungi in the indoor environment, and (iii) genome-wide gene expression investigations for improving biofuel feedstock production rates in photosynthetic microorganisms. He holds degrees in mechanical engineering (BS) and environmental engineering (MS) from Montana State University, and received his PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Colorado in the year 2000. LEARN MORE about the microbiome of the built environment and how new research can inform your practice this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Nov 20, 2015
Friday Nov 20, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we talk to a restoration industry entrepreneur, inventor, and trainer Kurt Bolden. Mr. Bolden is the founder and president of the Hydro Lab Training & Equipment Rental, LLC. Backed by more than 30+ years of hands-on cleaning and restoration experience, Kurt has earned a respected reputation for his groundbreaking work and contributions to the industry. Kurt started Bolden's Cleaning & Restoration, In Noblesville, IN, from the back of his truck in 1979 and grew his business at an unprecedented rate and to a level only rarely reached as an independent operations, He sold to his employees in 2004 in order to focus educating restorers at the Hydro Lab. This state-of-the-art training and research center was one of the first of its kind in the industry and emphasizes Kurt's philosophy of "Hands-On" training.
Kurt's inventiveness and passion for doing the best has given the restoration industry the HYDRO-X and VAC-PAC, two extraction tools that has redefined the approach to water damage work. His vision brought about the creation of the Hydro Lab in 2000. Today, Kurt is a leader in the industry and his rental division is one of the largest suppliers of rental drying equipment in the United States. LEARN MORE about the restoration industry past, present and most importantly future this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Nov 13, 2015
Friday Nov 13, 2015
This week on IAQ Radio we talk to some of the staff and students at the Carnegie Mellon Universities CREATE Lab. The CREATE Lab came to our attention when a friend asked if we would like to try out the Speck IAQ Monitor. Radio Joe has had the monitor on his desk for a month now and it's time to discuss the invention with some members of the team that helped pull together the venture.
M. Beatrice Dias (Bea) was born and raised in Sri Lanka and went on to earn her undergraduate degree from Hamilton College in Clinton New York. Following college, she worked in the private sector for two years before moving to Pittsburgh to complete her Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Her postdoctoral field research focused on evaluating the impact of technology in under-served communities across the globe. Bea currently serves as a Project Director for the CREATE Lab at CMU. In this capacity she works with a variety of communities to explore how technology can serve as a tool for empowerment.
Sara Longo, a native Pittsburgher, earned a Biology degree and French minor from Allegheny College. She then spent two years in clinical smoking cessation research at the University of Pittsburgh while working as a TSS for the Watson Institute. After leaving her clinical work, she took her career in a new direction by co-founding the social sharing app, Share Closet, and igniting her passion for empowerment through technology. She now carries that passion through to her volunteer work at ACEing Autism and to her career as the Operations Manager for Speck, where she works to empower people to breathe easier.
Mike Taylor is a PhD Candidate at the CREATE Lab, part of Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute. His research interests include methods and calibration for low-cost sensors, machine learning, and air quality.LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
The theme of this week's show is: "Making friends out of the people you do business with", a "coffee table" conservation with Nick &John Paolella Co-founders of Jon Don, Inc. Please note this week's show has a special start time, 2:00pm Eastern Time!
The Z-man has been in Chicago all week as part of the Restoration Industry Association's (RIA) Certified Restorer (CR) instructional team. Jon Don's corporate headquarters in Roselle, IL is serving as the host facility for this year's CR prep week.
Radio Joe is flying into Chicago to join the Z-man for an intimate interview with the founders of IAQ Radio's Marquis sponsor. Global Watchdog Pete Consigli also in town with the CR instructional team in his role as RIA's Director of Education and will join the group around the "coffee table" for this most unique show.
Jon Don is known for its legendary customer service and unparalleled support of the industry associations, trade shows and educational & certification programs. This is evident in its pioneering flagship program called, "Strategies for Success® Intensive Training Seminar (SFS)". Nick and John will share their thoughts with the IAQ Radio's audience on how making friends out of the people you do business with can dramatically help your company be more successful.
Success in business and life is about developing mutually beneficial relationships. Give as much or more than one takes. Teddy Roosevelt has a well known quote that says, "Every man has an obligation to give back to the industry from which he derives his livelihood. Jon Don and its people serves as a model for the spirit of that sentiment.
Join us this week and get insights on how to succeed by giving others what they want first and then getting what you want. Take care of your people who will take care of your customers and build a business that will take care of the owners!

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.