
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
When it comes to homeowner insurance issues Florida is often in the spotlight. Paul Handerhan serves as Vice President of Public Policy for the Florida Association for Insurance Reform. FAIR is a nonprofit association that works with policy makers to bring balanced solutions to the difficult Florida property insurance market. As the association's founder, FAIR has grown from a start-up consumer group with a few dozen members to a powerful force for balanced insurance reforms. FAIR works to reduce property insurance rates by reducing risk, while ensuring that the interests of insurance consumers are protected. The FAIR policy model is to consult with all stakeholders to find balanced solutions with support across the political spectrum. In addition to its expansive legislative reform agenda, FAIR is the driving force behind bringing PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) programs to Florida, which has a PACE statute that allows for wind mitigation property improvements in addition to renewable and sustainable energy improvements.

Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
David Johnston is president of David Johnston & Co. He has been building custom energy efficient, healthy homes in Maine for more than 35 years. He was building energy efficient homes with a focus on indoor air quality long before it was a mainstream thing to do. In addition to being a builder he teaches building construction trade classes at Central Maine Community College and has served as an adjunct instructor in Residential Design and Drafting and Graphic Design at the University of Southern Maine (USM). David is also currently on Advisory Committees for Southern Maine Community College, Central Maine Community College, and Westbrook Region Technology Center.
We want to discuss how a successful builder balances the sometimes competing demands of good IAQ and energy efficiency. We also want to talk about Mr. Johnston's presentation on the Basics of Building Science at the 2016 Northeast IAQ and Energy Conference April 11-12 in Portland Maine. Radio Joe and Bob Krell from Healthy Indoors Magazine will be there doing interviews and taping a special IAQ Radio broadcast. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Mar 25, 2016
Friday Mar 25, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome back Ken Larsen along with The The Restoration Industries Global Watchdog, Pete Consigli. This week was the Restoration Industry Associations (RIA) 70th Anniversary and Convention in Orlando, Florida. We will recap some key learning points from the event and opine on the state of the industry. Things are very unsettled in the disaster restoration world at the moment. Unrest at the IICRC has many concerned but RIA had an outstanding conference with strong attendance. What does the future hold for the disaster restoration industry?
Ken Larson is driven to learn everything there is to know about the restorative drying sciences. He teaches courses for people interested in RIA, IICRC and ACAC certifications. He has some strong opinions and does on not mind sharing them. Ken is the author of the leading industry reference guide on "state of the art" structural restorative drying practices, "Leadership in Restorative Drying".
Pete Consigli has been a member of the Restoration Industry Association (formerly ASCR, International) since 1977. In his current dual role of RIA Education Director and Industry Adviser, Pete reports to RIA's Executive Committee of the association's Board of Directors (BOD). He directs all aspects of RIA's education program, continuing the long standing tradition of providing RIA members industry-leading comprehensive technical and managerial training. Pete also advises the RIA BOD on matters impacting the restoration industry and the RIA mission.

Friday Mar 18, 2016
Friday Mar 18, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome back Greg Long who last joined us way back in 2007. Also joining us is Graeme Marsh the President of Clean and Green HVAC. We are going to discuss HVAC maintenance and cleaning in the 21st century and how it can impact indoor air quality. Greg Long has been helping building owners with IAQ problems and cleaning mechanical systems for over 30 years. He is a Past President of NADCA and current member of the IAQA Board of Directors. Graeme is the President of Clean and Green HVAC a market leader in HVAC optimization through their national network of highly experienced, qualified HVAC contractors. This week we will discuss how HVAC cleaning has changed over the years including how probiotic cleaners have impacted the work Greg and Graeme are doing. They claim proper HVAC cleaning can restore performance, reduce energy costs, extend equipment life cycles and positively impacting IAQ, comfort and wellness. Let's LEARN MORE about what they have to say this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Mar 11, 2016
Friday Mar 11, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we explore a cutting edge technology for evaluating microbial conditions of indoor environments. Joining us are two experts on aerosol physics and microbial assessment/identification along with the COO of DetectionTek Technology. We will discuss methods for measuring microbial conditions of indoor environments and the DetectionTek technology.
Dr. Mark Hernandez received all his degrees, and did a post-doctoral tenure in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Colorado at Berkeley. After several years of civil engineering practice, he joined the University of Colorado faculty in 1996, where he is now a full professor. Dr. Hernandez is a registered professional engineer, and an expert on the quantitation and remediation of bioaerosols; a generation of his research lies in characterizing the biological aspects of air pollution - both indoors and out.
Dr. Joe Boatman is Principle of Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Consulting. He is an expert in Atmospheric Aerosols, Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology. His PhD is from the Univ. of Wyoming in Atmospheric Science. He has extensive experience in Atmospheric Aerosols, Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology
Matthew Coghill currently serves as the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of DetectionTek Holdings LLC. Matthew led the development of the InstaScope real-time bioaerosol detection technology from its inception in 2012. His focus is translating the complex science and technology experience of his team into a product that is accessible and compelling to the non-technical consumer.
Join us today at noon and LEARN MORE about microbial assessment technology and investigation of indoor environments on IAQ Radio!

Friday Mar 04, 2016
Friday Mar 04, 2016
This week we welcome Kurt Johnson Owner of Fresh Air Ventilation and President of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council (MIAQC). The story on how Kurt got into designing and installing ventilation systems is fascinating and educational. As an Owner/Operator who designs and installs ventilation systems he has seen the good, bad and ugly of home ventilation up close. He is also very involved with industry associations, has a passion for the subject and a desire to see people get this important topic right. Kurt will give us a real world perspective and the straight scoop about ventilation from the trenches. How real world? Kurt has designed and installed over 500 systems in the past ten years. Join us today at noon live or download later to LEARN MORE about ventilation and indoor air quality from the trenches this week on IAQ Radio.
We encourage those that can make it to attend this years Northeast Indoor Air Quality and Energy Conference April 11-12, 2016 in Portland, Maine. The conference is sponsored by MIAQC please stop Radio Joe and Kurt to say hello if you attend. LEARN MORE!

Friday Feb 26, 2016
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Jim Newman is one of the country's most experienced IAQ, energy efficiency and green building experts. He is Owner and Managing Partner of Newman Consulting Group and is active in many professional organizations. He's a trainer for ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1, and was one of sixteen energy auditors chosen to beta test ASHRAE's Building Energy Quotient, which measures and categorizes energy use in buildings. He is also Chair of Detroit BOMA's Committee on Sustainability and is a trainer for BOMA's certification on High Performing Buildings. His 1st seminar on Indoor Air Quality was at the International Facility Management Convention in Baltimore in 1990, before most people knew what IAQ stood for. As an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, Jim gives seminars internationally on many topics related to the construction industry, including energy conservation, indoor air quality, sustainability, green buildings, and proper operation and maintenance techniques. We asked him to join us this week and go into more detail on his Keynote presentation at this years Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) Annual Meeting. LEARN MORE about IAQ, Green Buildings, Energy Conservation and Legal Liabilities this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we focus on growing your business using the example of a very successful truck mount salesman Mason Tomaino. Mr. Tomaino is currently the truck mount sales representative at the JonDon Dallas, TX location. Prior to his current position he held several positions and started two companies in the carpet cleaning and transportation sectors. Early in his career he worked at Crystal Cathedral as a House Keeping Manager where he was in charge of all maintenance and carpet cleaning, from there he moved on to start Alexander's Carpet Care which grew to have 7 truck mounted units and 17 employees. He also started A Party On Wheels Limos, having a total of 10 limos. Most recently he worked for Interlink of Austin as a Store Manager and Sales and now he is working for JonDon as a Truck Mount Sales Representative. Mason is an IICRC Master Textile Cleaner,Journey Man Fire and Smoke Restorer, and a Journey Man Water Restorer. He has put the JonDon mantra of making friends with your customers on steroids. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio.

Friday Feb 12, 2016
Friday Feb 12, 2016
Radio Joe attended the 1.5 day Workshop on the Health Risks of Indoor Exposure to Particulate Matter at the The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The workshop was a who's who of indoor air quality researchers, regulators, stakeholders, industry leaders and others. It was held at the National Academies building in DC and was sponsored by EPA. Over 400 people watched the webinar live and learned more than they ever thought was possible about particulate matter, indoor air quality and health effets. Radio Joe will summarize the key points from 1.5 day program in a one hour program today. LEARN MORE on what we know and what we still need to learn about how particulate matter affects health this week on IAQ Radio.

Friday Feb 05, 2016
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Join us this week on IAQradio when we welcome Jeff May to discuss two presentations he gave at the Indoor Air Quality Associations 19th Annual Meeting; Mold in the Mechanical Leading Cause of Sick-building Symptoms and Under Recognized Sources of Indoor Bio-Aerosols. Some of the bio-aerosols he will discuss are obscure and others are surprising. We will also do a short preview of the EPA sponsored Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine conference on The Health Risks of Indoor Exposure to Particulate Matter. The conference is next week in DC and Radio Joe will be covering it for IAQ Radio.
Jeff May is Principal Scientist of May Indoor Air Investigations, LLC in Tyngsborough, MA. Author of four books on IAQ (published by The Johns Hopkins University Press), including My House is Killing Me and The Mold Survival Guide, Jeff has been investigating building problems in homes, schools and office for over 25 years, and has examined by microscopy over 35,000 air and dust samples. A nationally recognized speaker on IAQ topics, Jeff is a member of IAQA, the Pan American Aerobiology Association, American Chemical Society, and the New England Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, among others. He is a Certified Indoor Air Quality Professional (CIAQP, Association of Energy Engineers), and is a licensed Mold Assessor in the state of Florida. He holds a B.A. from Columbia College (chemistry) and an M.A. from Harvard University (organic chemistry), and has served as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. LEARN MORE with Jeff May this week on IAQradio!

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.