
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Friday Dec 02, 2016
This week we welcome one of the top IAQ researchers in the world William "Bill" Nazaroff, PhD. Dr. Nazaroff is a Daniel Tellep Distinguished Professor at the University of California Berkeley and has served as a Faculty Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. His research centers on air quality engineering, emphasizing two themes: pollutant dynamics in indoor air and exposure science. On the first, his primary interest is to better understand the physics and chemistry that control the concentrations, fates, and effects of pollutants in indoor environments. On the second topic, he and his group apply basic knowledge about air pollutants to build a quantitative and mechanistic understanding of the relationship between emissions from sources and consequent human exposures. His group pursues research through a combination of laboratory and field experiments, modeling, and data analysis. In recent years, in addition to maintaining vigorous activities in the two primary areas, he has had a growing concern about and interest in the themes of sustainability, climate change, and energy-use efficiency. He has recently been pursuing research opportunities in these newer thematic areas, especially when opportunities arise that intersect with his primary research themes.

Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we have finally synced schedules and welcome Dr. Glenn Morrison. Dr. Morrison is a professor of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dr. Morrison graduated with his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1999 after working for 6 years as a chemical engineer in research and development of catalysts. Has over 25 years of chemical and environmental engineering experience, most of that focusing on chemistry and transport phenomena in indoor environments. An NSF Career award winner and the current President of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, his research has included ozone surface chemistry, building forensics, sensor development, pollutant movement in buildings, aerosol transport of SVOCs, exposure implications of smog reactions with human surfaces and hair, methamphetamine contamination of residences, design of indoor surfaces for improved air quality and related projects. He has been responsible for over $2.8 M in research funding from NSF, EPA, NIST, NIOSH, the California Air Resources Board, Missouri Research Board and the Green Building Council. He and his students have published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and reports. We will ask to discuss the major themes and some specific presentations he attended at Healthy Buildings America 2015 and we want to discuss the current emphasis on SVOCâ??s plus much more with one of the most prolific IEQ researchers in the country. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Nov 11, 2016
Friday Nov 11, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome energy efficiency and building science expert Linda Wigington. Through her company, Linda M. Wigington Associates, is involved in initiatives to evaluate and redefine the process, scope, and value of residential energy reductions. She is demonstrating the feasibility of achieving deep reductions (beyond 70%) in existing dwellings through North American Thousand Home Challenge. Some listeners may know her better as being the founder of and being associated with the Affordable Comfort Conference from its inception in 1986, (when she worked for ACTION-Housing), through 2013. As program director, she convened the program committees and confirmed the agendas for over 50 North American and regional conferences. These events have been instrumental in promoting an integrated approach to health, safety, durability, and energy performance. Linda has also been a technical consultant for residential utility programs. She was a founding member of the Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS) board of directors (2009) and is a board member of Community Solutions based in Yellow Springs, OH, and Cornerstone Care, a community health center serving several counties in southwestern PA. She has led the Reducing Outdoor Contaminants in Indoor Air ROCIS initiative since its inception in June 2014, and the ROCIS Low Cost Monitoring Project since it began in September 2015. . In the past Linda served as an advisor for Habitat for Humanity International's Green Team and is currently on the Editorial Board of Home Energy magazine. She received the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy's 2002 Champion of Energy Efficiency Award. LEARN MORE with Linda Wigington this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Ken Larsen, CR, WLS, CSDS for Part 3 of our Industry Education and Certification series. Jim Pemberton joined us on 9-23-16 for Part 1 and Lisa Wagner joined us on 10-7-16 for Part 2. This week we wrap it up and put a bow on it with Mr. Larsen. The discussion has centered around how to make industry education more credible and valuable for those in the field and for their employers who are paying the freight. Check out parts 1 & 2 at the links above and then join us live as we wrap things up live at noon today. As a bonus joining us for "The Roundup" will be the Restoration Industry Global Watchdog, Pete Consigli.
Ken Larsen, CR, WLS, CSDS has been in the restoration industry since 1978. He holds RIA, ACAC and IICRC advanced designations. His career includes 18 years as an independent property restoration contractor, consultant to restorative drying during catastrophes and large loss drying coordination, expert witness, Director of Education for North America's largest disaster restoration contracting organization, and now the author of one of the industry's leading technical resource book on the subject of structural restorative drying - Leadership in Restorative Drying. He is currently an IICRC Approved instructor of WRT, ASD and CDS certificate courses.
Larsen is also a RIA instructor of the restoration industry's advanced certification credentials: Water Loss Specialist (WLS) and Certified Restorer (CR). He serves as Chairman for RIA approved Instructors, Trainers and Subject Matter Experts, a sub-committee of RIA's Education Committee. Larsen presently serves as Senior Technical Director for the International Dry Standard Organization (IDSO) and Director of Education for the Restoration Leadership Institute (RLI) and lead consultant for the Restoration Expert Panel (REP). Ken lives with his wife Barbie (yes - really!) in Santa Rosa Beach in Northwest Florida. He can be contacted at ken@drystandard.org.

Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
This week we welcome William "Bill" Fisk to IAQ Radio. This is an interview we have been trying to line up for quite some time and its exciting to have this research giant join us live for the hour. Few have contributed as much to our knowledge of IAQ as Bill and his group at LBL. We look forward to discussing how that research can be better used in practice with the Leader of the LBL Indoor Environment Group.
Mr. Fisk is a Sr. Scientist (mechanical engineer) and is the leader of the Indoor Environment Group. He has more than 30 years of experience in research on the interrelated issues of building energy performance, ventilation, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and occupant health and performance. His research focuses primarily on energy efficient methods of maintaining and improving ventilation and IEQ in commercial buildings and on quantifying the impacts of building ventilation and IEQ on health and performance. He is a fellow of ASHRAE, a member of the Academy of Indoor Air Sciences, and he serves on the editorial board for Indoor Air Journal. He is an author of approximately 100 refereed archival journal articles or book chapters. He has BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering.

Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Penn State Professor and ASHRAE Past President William P. Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E. We last interviewed Dr. Bahnfleth in July of 2015 on Episode 335. Our first interview was not not long after the ASHRAE, IAQA merger and we spent a good bit of time on that topic. This time around we want to discuss some highlights from the recent ASHRAE IAQ 2016 Conference and Dr. Bahnfleths extensive knowledge and research on UVGI. We also want to discuss the IEQ Global Alliance and of course how things are look over a year into the ASHRAE, IAQA merger.
Bill Bahnfleth is a professor and director of the Indoor Environment Center in the Department of Architectural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University-University Park. He holds a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is a Registered Professional Engineer. He has more than 30 years of experience as a consulting engineer, researcher and educator. Dr. Bahnfleth has been a member of ASHRAE since 1981 and in addition to being Past President he is an ASHRAE Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer.

Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
This week we welcome Lisa Wagner "The Rug Chick" to IAQ Radio. Lisa is a smart women who is known for telling it like it is. She is a 2nd generation rug cleaner and industry trainer. She is passionate about industry training and is committed to improving it. Join us at noon eastern time when Lisa Wagner discusses industry education and ways to make it better with Cliff "Z-Man" Zlotnik and RadioJoe Hughes

Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
This week on IAQ Radio the Z-Man welcomes Jim Pemberton to discuss industry education issues. Jim has been involved in the cleaning and restoration industry for 37 years. He is a 2nd generation industry trainer who is passionate about industry training and is committed to improving it. Jim Pemberton grew up working in his father's cleaning and restoration business, is a 2nd generation industry trainer and is President of Pembertons Cleaning and Restoration Supplies. Jim has been training cleaners throughout the US and Canada since 1979, has been a featured presenter at many industry events, has contributed articles to leading trade journals and is recognized as a "master of most things textile". Join them at noon eastern time today when Cliff "Z-Man" Zlotnik and Jim Pemberton discuss industry education and suggest ways to make it better.

Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
This week we welcome Don Weekes, CIH, CSP and Stephanie Sears, MBA, PMP, CMP to IAQ Radio. Most listeners know Don as a regular guest and Past President of IAQA. Stephanie joined early this year along with ASHRAE President David Underwood and IAQA Past President Kent Rawhauser to review the ASHRAE/IAQA Conference in Orlando, Florida. This week we look forward to discussing how IEQ issues in the US and the rest of the world are the same and how they differ. We also want to learn from Stephanie about the IAQA Strategic Plan for moving forward now that the merger is complete. Don has been traveling around the world for conferences and presentations for years now, Stephanie had extensive international experience in her previous positions. They are both recently returning from India where a new IAQA Chapter was set up. We look forward to this opportunity to LEARN MORE about IEQ Around the World and the IAQA Strategic Direction this week on IAQ Radio.
Donald Weekes, CIH is InAIR Environmental's Certified Industrial Hygienist and has been providing environmental and occupational health and safety assistance for more than 35 years. He is affiliated with the American Industrial of Hygiene Association (AIHA) as past Chair of the Indoor Environmental Quality Committee and as a Fellow of the Association. He is a four-time recipient of the AIHA's Best Seller award for the 'Report of the Microbial Task Force' in 2001 and 2002, the 'Assessment, Remediation and Post-Remediation Verification of Mold in Buildings' publication in 2004, and the Green Book, aka 'Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Indoor Mold, book in 2008.
Stephanie Sears is currently the serving as the executive director for the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). As the Association's Executive Director, Sears serves as the primary liaison to IAQA's Board of Directors, coordinating projects between IAQA's 2,500 volunteers and eight staff. Prior to IAQA, Sears was at Equifax, where she served as the Director of Global Operations Business Planning and Analysis since 2013. Prior to Equifax, she spent 10 years at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016
It's hard to believe that ten years have gone by and IAQ Radio continues to provide education and communication for IAQ, Disaster Restoration and Building Science communities. While preparing for our tenth anniversary we have spent a great deal of time going back through the archives and discussing the fantastic guests we have had over the years. This week for the Ten Year Anniversary Show we plan to look at how much things have changed and/or stayed the same during ten years of IAQ Radio. We will also discuss what the future looks like and get the thoughts of some of our regular guests who will call in and give their perspective.
We started ten years ago with the following description on the Talkshoe website.
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President Emeritus of Microban Systems. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry. As instructors for IAQ and disaster restoration training programs and active participants in industry associations we have the credibility and contacts necessary to bring top industry experts as guests on the show every week. The show is designed to help promote education and communication for industry professionals and consumers in need of assistance with IAQ, built environment and disaster restoration issues.
We THANK our listeners and hope you all feel we have been true to that description for all these years!

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.