
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
The Indoor Environmental Science Forum was held this week in Tampa, Florida. The event included two days of top notch speakers on timely topics including: Assessment and Developing Protocols; Applied Research on Duration and Causation; Risk Management, Legal Issues, Contracts and AOB's; Malodor Complaints; Working with Insurance Companies, TPA's and Remediation Verification/Project Clearance and more.
Four of the organizers and speakers will be joining us live today to recap what they learned and discuss where it goes from here. Richard Alexis is a consultant and educator in South Florida, Pete Consigli is the Restoration Industry Global Watchdog and John Lapotaire is an Orlando Consultant and the IAQA President. Peter Crosa is a independent assurance adjuster and current president of the National Independent Insurance Adjusters Association NAIAA.

Friday Feb 17, 2017
Friday Feb 17, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Paul Francisco. Paul Francisco runs the Indoor Climate Research & Training group at the Applied Research Institute of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He does both research & training on issues related to home performance. His research focuses on indoor air quality and energy efficiency, emphasizing field measurements. His training focuses on teaching practitioners building diagnostics and health & safety. Paul has also been a trainer in Building Diagnostics for the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program. He has done extensive work on curriculum development for weatherization workers and does research on energy efficiency and indoor air quality issues in existing homes. He aims to be a bridge between research and practice. He is also the current chair of ASHRAE's Standard 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings. Mr. Francisco has a BSME from the University of Delaware and an MSME University of Washington.

Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we will continue our discussion of a topic that we have been focused on for several years now. Why aren't more researchers and practitioners working together to give better guidance to those working in the field? Every year at the Healthy Building Summit the IAQ Radio team and IAQ Training Institute, LLC sponsor research that is designed to answer important questions about assessment and remediation of indoor environments. There are a few researchers trying to help but there is not enough cooperation. Individuals and some companies are also doing important research but its often times designed to show their product works and not to benefit the industry.
Today we will discuss, what type of engineering controls work best for particle reduction during indoor environmental remediation? How do these engineering controls affect other IAQ parameters? How quickly do engineering controls reduce particulate? Do particle counts, spore traps and other optical particle recognition methods match up? What is the best way to determine when a project is complete? Join us for the discussion today at noon eastern.

Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we get a rundown of the highlights from the IAQA 20th Annual Meeting with Radio Joe and IAQA Past-President Don Weekes, CIH, CSP. Earlier this week the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) held their 20th Annual Meeting in conjunction with the ASHRAE AHR Expo in Las Vegas, NV. Radio Joe spoke, attended sessions and interviewed members and speakers. He and IAQA Past-President Don Weekes will discuss what's new and what they learned at this year's event.

Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Sarah Elizabeth Kwan. Sarah Kwan is a Ph.D. candidate and NSF Graduate Research Fellow in the Peccia Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory at Yale University. She also received her M.S and Ph.M. in Environmental Engineering from Yale. For her dissertation she has been investigating the correlation of indoor air pollution in homes & schools of the Cherokee Nation with asthma prevalence, allergy rates, & school absenteeism. As part of this research she has been conducting research on The Impact of Ventilation & Cleaning Intervention on the Indoor Microbiology of the Built Environment along with other projects we will discuss this week. Ms. Kwan received her BS Degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Riverside CA and a BA in Interior Design at Surrey Institute of Art & Design in Surrey, UK (now known as the University for the Creative Arts).
In addition to her academic research Ms. Kwan has done field work as an Interior Designer for IKEA, an Interior Architect at tBP Architecture in Newport Beach CA where she worked alongside LEED certified architects to design sustainable education buildings, and as a Physical Science Technician at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Clean Energy & Climate Change Office (CECL) & Air Quality Analysis Office in San Francisco. Her varied background along with her skills in Chemical/Biological Analysis and skills in programming and software make her a valued fixture in the Peccia Lab. She is a rare commodity as a researcher with real world practical experience. Join us and at noon eastern to LEARN MORE about the Microbiology of the Built Environment and more this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Jacques Touillon. Jacques Touillon is co-founder and CEO of Airboxlab, creators of the Foobot smart indoor air quality monitor. He worked in environmental communication for many years, but co-founded the company after watching his own son, who suffers from asthma, struggle to breathe in his own home. Now the company protects building occupants from pollutants by sending friendly alerts to consumers, integrating directly with smart devices to automate IAQ, and giving contractors a real-time view of a client's air pollutants, temperature and humidity via a detailed contractor dashboard.
Join us today and LEARN MORE about the latest craze in the IAQ world. These units are not going away and should make consumers more knowledgeable about their indoor environment. How will this affect your work in the IAQ, disaster restoration and buildings science world?

Friday Jan 13, 2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
Cliff Cooper is an industrial hygienist, health and safety manager, forensic investigator and IAQ consultant. Mr. Cooper designs auditable Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Programs which meet program requirements under US OSHA, US EPA, US DOT, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, JCAHO, ASHRAE, and GBCI LEED. He is an experienced investigator for chemical safety, biological safety, quantitative exposure assessment, process health & safety, process ventilation and negative/positive pressure rooms design and testing. Mr. Cooper carries out work hazard assessments, health and safety plans (HASPs), Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs), Community Protection Plans, and Health and Safety RTK employee and community training programs. Mr. Cooper's interests include design, commissioning and operation of building ventilation and forensic investigation of environmental factors associated with human well being in indoor environments.
Mr. Cooper teaches building science and sustainable building professional development courses. He is a qualified Sustainability Consultant and has contributed on a number of LEED building projects including LEED NC, LEED CI, LEED Homes, and LEED EBOM. Mr. Cooper currently serves on the Board of Directors of the NY Upstate Chapter of the US Green Building Council.

Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
This week we welcome Mr. Phil Green owner of Green Remodeling, LLC dba Advantaclean of Madison County and Green Home Solutions. Phil is a military veteran having served 6 years in the Coast Guard. He has 30 years of experience in the construction trades as a carpenter, electrician, and HVAC technician. He has been superintendent of million-dollar construction projects and is an adjunct professor at Southwestern IL College teaching in the technical education department.
In his role as co-owner of AdvantaClean of Madison County, he provides guidance and advice in the overall management of the company. He became interested in pursuing a franchise with AdvantaClean while researching ways to expand Green Home Solutions. AdvantaClean's service offerings and company culture was a great addition to the services already being offered by Green Home Solutions.
Phil has been in the field for over 30 years and has an interesting story to tell. Franchises, green construction, radon, IAQ, mold, fire and water damage restoration are part of his daily life lets's LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
We have a very special show today with a special guest that is joining us to get some important thoughts on the record. Brian has been a guest and more importantly a tremendous supporter of our show. We appreciate his long time support, friendship and advice over the years. He is the kind of guy that helps make you appreciate every day that you wake up and can continue to affect positive change around you. Our Canadian friend will be joined by his friend and colleague Mr. Joe Kokinda from the great state of Ohio!
Brian Baker is owner of Custom Vac Limited of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. Baker has been in the HVAC and IAQ industry for almost 40 years and is a huge education advocate. His list of training and certifications is extensive as is his hands on experience in this industry. We got to know Brian through his passion for IAQ Radio and realized he has something special to offer our listeners. Knowledge of HVAC is vital to evaluating IAQ issues and very few have Mr. Baker's combination of experience and education. Brian taught HVACR related courses for the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) Winnipeg Chapter. In 2009 he opened Westech Energy Training Center where he currently teaches 5th Class Power Engineering, Preparation for Residential HVACR, Refrigerant Handling Certification, and manages the education/training for RSES Winnipeg Chapter via an on-line Internet delivery platform.
Joseph Allan Kokinda, President/CEO of Professional HVAC/R Services Inc. of Avon, OH. Mr. Kokinda has 41 years of involvement in Marine, Industrial and Commercial Mechanical Trades. He is a licensed as a Master Refrigerant and/or Mechanical Contractor in six states. Joe started his mechanical career in 1975 with the US Navy on the USS Independence. Since then he has worked his way through various positions at several companies, in 2006 he opened Professional HVAC/R Services in Avon, OH. Professional has offered refrigeration and HVAC service for all Dollar Tree locations in Ohio, as well as other local restaurants and businesses. Since 2006 Professional has been installing pre-charged and remote refrigeration equipment for existing and new Dollar Tree stores, Family Dollar stores, and other entities throughout the Midwest. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio!

Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
This week we put my co-host in the guest seat to talk about odor control issues. Cliff Zlotnik has been helping people deal with odor problems for over 30 years. Our Technical Director Dr. Dietrich Weyel is back and we may have a surprise guest as well.

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.