
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Radio Joe and the Zman are on their summer hiatus, returning next week live. This week we are going to flashback to a show from 12-3-2010 with Joe Ponessa, PhD who at the time had recently retired from Rutgers Cooperative Extension after serving 25 years as the Housing, Indoor Environment and Health Specialist. In that position, he worked on curriculum development and outreach education, serving both lay and professional audiences. Areas of specialization included the indoor environment and its impact on health; management of building moisture problems and building science/construction technology. Dr. Ponessa has consulted for The Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Centers for Disease Control on Housing-Environmental Health issues. He also taught a course in Building Science Moisture Management Principles for New Jersey Building Code Officials and architects.

Friday Jul 07, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Join us as we go back in time and discuss the early days of the disaster restoration field with industry pioneer Major Long. Major was one of the first disaster restoration practitioners. Major Long, CR is a past president of the RIA (1978-1980) and also served a term as the association's disaster restoration technical director. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of the early innovators in the field of disaster restoration field.

Friday Jun 30, 2017
Friday Jun 30, 2017
Pete Consigli, CR, WLS; Ken Larsen, CR, WLS, CMP ; Peter Crosa, AIC, RPA and Ed Cross, Esq â??Restoration Contractors of the Future: Will they Get a Spine or be Rolled Over?â??

Friday Jun 23, 2017
Friday Jun 23, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome another international researcher from the University of Lisbon Nuno Canha, PhD. Dr. Canha recently published a paper "Indoor air quality during sleep under different ventilation patterns". This is a topic we have been interested in but there has not been much research to discuss. We look forward to talking about this paper and and other research Dr. Canha has done related to IAQ issues.
Dr. Canha holds a MSc in Chemistry from Instituto Superior Tecnico of University of Lisbon, Portugal, and completed a PhD degree in Environmental Sciences in Delft University of Technology (Delft, The Netherlands) in 2014. His main research interests are instrumental neutron activation analysis, indoor air quality, source apportionment, ventilation rates, atmospheric air quality, exposure to air pollutants and biomonitoring of air pollution with lichens. Join us live today at noon or download the show later to LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio!

Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
We are back at the annual Violand Executive Summit and have lined up a great cast of restoration veterans and up and comers to discuss the topic "Restoration a Changing Industry". 2017 marks the 30th anniversary for Violand Management Associates, who during that time, has grown to become a leading Advisory Services firm in the restoration and cleaning industries. In the spirit of watching a company like Violand Management grow and develop over three decades, we thought it would be fun to explore how the restoration industry itself has changed during that time, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good. We also plan to explore what this group feels are the potential future opportunities and where the industry is going. To help us do that, we have asked a group of Violand Executive Summit participants to help us out and have assembled a talented group of industry veterans and savvy rising stars in restoration. It's great to be back at the Violand Executive Summit!
The Veterans
Lee King -President After Disaster and current RIA Board of Directors member
Wes Williams - Founder and President CJB in the Vancouver BC
Scott Stamper - CEO Regency DKI and past RIA president
Tom Laska - President ICC Restoration Minneapolis, MN
The Next Generation of Leaders
Chris Yanker - Production Manager Buffalo Restoration in Bozeman, MT
Jacelyn Carpenter - CEO Ideal Restoration, San Francisco, CA and RIA board member
Grant Nitzche - President SERVPRO of Wheaton, IL
Tom McMahon - Senior Project Manager McMahon Restoration Chicago, IL

Friday Jun 09, 2017
Friday Jun 09, 2017
This week we flashback to a show from 3-28-2008 with Martin L. King, ASA, CR. Unfortunately Mr. King is no longer with us but we feel blessed to have this interview with him. We have cleaned up some audio issues and are thrilled that this fantastic interview will live on many years to come. We are proud to have done this interview and plan on dedicating quite a few future Flashback Fridayâ??s to shows with industry leaders that are unfortunately no longer with us, this is the first in that series.
Martin King, ASA, CR was the Restoration Industries Association Technical Adviser for 30 years, where he developed a broad range of restoration procedures and published over 300 articles in trade journals. As the CEO of Martin Churchill Associates, Inc. Damage Investigators and Appraisers Mr. King also investigated and prepared formal reports on over 2000 property damage cases. Marty also taught at the University of Maryland in the Fire Sciences group. Mr. King was the man disaster restoration people went to when nobody else could answer their questions. Donâ??t miss this rare opportunity to hear the â??Dean of Disaster Restorationâ??. Also joining us on this show was The â??Restoration Industries Global Watchdogâ?? Pete Consigli and our Technical Director, Dr. Dietrich Weyel.

Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we explore a new credential from the home performance world that is directly related to indoor environmental quality. The Building Performance Institute, has recently established the Healthy Home Evaluator credential to add to their list of credentials available. We look forward to talking about this and other home performance community trends with Larry Zarker and Joe Medosch.
Larry Zarker is the CEO of the Building Performance Institute, the professional standards setting and credentialing organization for both the weatherization and home performance contracting industries. He oversees BPI's national network of over 12,000 certified professionals and BPI GoldStar contracting companies. He helped found and served on the Board of Directors of Efficiency First, the trade association for America's home performance workforce. Prior to BPI, he worked for nearly twenty years with the NAHB Research Center and was the Vice President of Marketing for over a decade, serving both the new home and remodeling sectors with innovative product development and research.
Joe Medosch - Owner of Energy & Environmental Consulting, LLC and Executive Director of Healthy Home Environment Association. He participated in the development of the BPI HHE credential and is a Healthy Homes Master Trainer. His certifications include: BPI Proctor - Building Analyst & Envelope Professional, Healthy Home Evaluator, Infiltration & Duct Leakage, ICC- Commercial & Residential Energy Inspector / Plans Examiner and Residential Building Inspector.

Friday May 26, 2017
Friday May 26, 2017
This week we flashback to a show from 9-26-14 with Richard Corsi, PhD. We had a great series with Dr. Corsi and several of his students. We called the series Research to Practice. This show set up the next three we did with him and his students. It was a great discussion of the challenges and opportunitiescoming for the IAQ world.
Richard Corsi, PhD is the Chair & ECH Bantel Professor for Professional Practice Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California at Davis in 1989. He joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in 1994. Dr. Corsi researches indoor air quality, including sources and control of indoor air pollution and human exposure to indoor toxins. He has also studied how architectural materials can remove chemicals from building air, offering protection for occupants following terrorist attacks.

Friday May 19, 2017
Friday May 19, 2017
This week on IAQ Radio we welcome Rachel Gutter, Chief Product Officer for the International WELL Building Institute. Ms. Gutter joined the International WELL Building Institute in late 2016 as senior vice president, bringing with her a wealth of cross-cutting experience in safer, healthier environments where they matter the most: in school rooms across the globe. She joins IWBI after a nine-year career at the U.S. Green Building Council, where she founded the Center for Green Schools, convening and collaborating with a diverse group of partners, including teachers unions, the National PTA, the Department of Education, the Princeton Review, executives from Fortune 100 companies, and green building councils around the world. Under her direction, the Center published more than 1,000 pages of technical guides and original research, mobilized more than $275 billion in investments in LEED certified educational facilities, and deployed more than half a million volunteers to contribute $50 million in donated time to transform schools and campuses on every continent.
In her current role she is helping the International WELL Building Institute continue their development and implementation of the WELL Building Standards. According to the Institute this is the first standard of its kind that focuses solely on the health and wellness of building occupants. WELL identifies 100 performance metrics, design strategies, and policies that can be implemented by the owners, designers, engineers, contractors, users and operators of a building. It is based on a thorough review of the existing research on the effects of spaces on individuals and has been advanced through a thorough scientific and technical review. In order to achieve the requirements of the WELL Building Standard, the space must undergo a process that includes an on-site assessment and performance testing by a third party. Overall, the WELL Building Standard is designed to comprehensively cover the various individual needs of building occupants while also building a common foundation for measuring wellness in the built environment.

Friday May 12, 2017
Friday May 12, 2017
This week we flashback to a show from 10-28-16 with William Fisk. This is an interview we have been trying to line up for quite some time and its exciting to have this research giant join us live for the hour. Few have contributed as much to our knowledge of IAQ as Bill and his group at LBL. We look forward to discussing how that research can be better used in practice with the Leader of the LBL Indoor Environment Group.
Mr. Fisk is a Sr. Scientist (mechanical engineer) and is the leader of the Indoor Environment Group. He has more than 30 years of experience in research on the interrelated issues of building energy performance, ventilation, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and occupant health and performance. His research focuses primarily on energy efficient methods of maintaining and improving ventilation and IEQ in commercial buildings and on quantifying the impacts of building ventilation and IEQ on health and performance. He is a fellow of ASHRAE, a member of the Academy of Indoor Air Sciences, and he serves on the editorial board for Indoor Air Journal. He is an author of approximately 100 refereed archival journal articles or book chapters. He has BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering.

IAQ Radio+
This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.