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Friday Jun 14, 2019

On May 17, 2019, IAQradio launched the first of a 4 part exclusive series with RIA and IICRC on the Maturing of the  Cleaning and Restoration industry. Frequent IAQradio listeners and "followers" of the Z-man's blog are aware, on May 1st, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona an historic announcement was made at RIA's 73rd annual Convention and Exposition. RIA President Lee King, CR and IICRC Chairman Pete Duncanson taking a page from Reagan and Gorbachev's historic Glasnost agreement executed a Strategic Partnership on behalf of their respective organizations. After the execution of the agreement Mark Springer, CR  who is RIA's President Elect announced the launch of RIA's AGA committee. The Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) committee chair is well known restoration contractor advocate and counselor Ed Cross known in the industry as "The Restoration Lawyer".
You have heard the RIA and IICRC leadership weigh-in on Part 1 and 2 of this 4 Part exclusive IAQradio series that will culminate this fall with signatories to the agreement King and Duncanson giving a progress update and preview of upcoming collaboration activities for the last quarter of 2019 as the industry rolls into 2020's convention season! This week for Part 3 we will feature a fast paced, interview with AGA committee chair Ed Cross and 2 of his committee members.
The Restoration Lawyer will oversee the "Rise of the AGA" to help level the playing field for restoration contractors who must compete in an ever increasing contentious marketplace.  Charlie Cassani, CR a fellow Californian from the Golden state's Capital City Sacramento will join Ed for the show along with RIA board member Dave Robbins, CR, WLS, CMP from the Volunteer state based in Memphis, Tennessee.
The Global Watchdog will be monitoring the show from down under this week as he is on Australia's Sunshine Coast in Queensland facilitating RIA's 2nd Annual Australasian Conference and Trade Show. Please join Radio Joe and the Z-man this week to hear how Ed Cross and his AGA committee plan to help restorers "Make it Better" for disaster victims and insurance policyholders who have suffered a loss!
Ed Cross, J.D.
Mr. Cross has built a successful law practice that specially caters to the needs of insurance damage repair contractors and remediators. Mr. Cross received a Bachelor's Degree in Speech Communications with an emphasis on Public Speaking from California State University at Northridge in 1986 (Dean's Honor Roll), and his Juris Doctor Degree from Western State University in Fullerton California. Ed is also well known for his risk management advice, cleaning and restoration contracts and related forms available for free and/or for purchase on his website edcross.com . These are simple one page forms in plain English that protect payment rights and deter lawsuits. He has recently added contract forms specific to the needs of those doing work in Texas and Florida.
Charlie Cassani
Known to his friends and colleagues as "Charlie", Cassani's length of time in the industry and the technical knowledge gained form four-plus-decades of field experience, ownership, and participation in professional industry associations provides a historical and fundamental understanding of the components of restoration services and restoration service organizations.
As an owner-operator and CEO of a nationally known cleaning and restoration franchise, he practiced and understood the limits of a run-from-the-top organization. As a team member at Restoration Management Company known as RMC, he gained insight and understanding of the unlimited potential of an organization that operates from the bottom-up with talented, professional co-workers.
His national reputation as an ethical, recognized expert in the field of restoration sciences is one of many key components that separate RMC from other national and international restoration organizations. Cassani is the company's Analytical Specialist and recognizes and identifies with the RMC Brand of performance as a day-to-day practice of this organization
Cassani's experience includes being a California licensed General Contractor and California Department of Insurance provider of Continuing Education Credits (CEC's). Cassani's commitment to volunteerism is evidenced from his membership on RIA's Certified Restorer Re-development committee which became known as the "gang of 9".
The gang of 9 is credited with doing the heavy lifting that produced the cleaning and restoration industry's first Body of Knowledge. This document is officially called, "The Certified Restorer Body of Knowledge, the complete guide for those pursing excellence in restoration education and training".
Presently Cassani's volunteer work with the Restoration Industry Association is as a member of RIA's Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) committee.
Dave Robbins  
Dave Robbins is an industry veteran and licensed general contractor with more than 30 years of experience in the commercial restoration industry. He has earned the prestigious designations of Certified Restorer (CR), Water Loss Specialist (WLS) and Certified Mold Professional (CMP) from the Restoration Industry Association (RIA). Dave also holds the designation of Certified Healthcare Constructor (CHC) from the American Hospital Association. Dave served on the Restoration Industry Association's Board of Directors from 2016 - 2019.
Dave is an owner and Vice-President of SRP Contractors, a large scale restoration firm operating throughout the Southeast. SRP is a long time RIA member and three-time Phoenix Award winner. SRP currently has offices in Memphis, Nashville and Little Rock.
Presently Robbins' volunteer work with the Restoration Industry Association is as a member of RIA's Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) committee.

Friday Jun 07, 2019

This week on IAQ radio we welcome back one of our favorite guests to talk about a new AIHA mold document and some other industry current events. Donald Weekes was a Partner at InAIR Environmental, Ltd. an occupational and environmental health and safety consultancy based in Ottawa, ON. He is now a full-time volunteer. Mr. Weekes has been providing environmental and occupational health and safety technical assistance for more than forty-three (43) years. Mr. Weekes is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP). He is currently a Director of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH). He is a Past President of IAQA (Indoor Air Quality Association), as well as Past President of the Ottawa Valley Chapter for ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). Besides these professional organizations, Mr. Weekes has also involved as a volunteer with the following professional organizations: American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), International Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ), Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).

Friday May 31, 2019

On May 17, 2019, IAQradio launched the first of a 4 part exclusive series with RIA and IICRC on the Maturing of the  Cleaning and Restoration industry. Frequent IAQradio listeners and "followers" of the Z-man's blog are aware, on May 1st, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona an historic announcement was made at RIA's 73rd annual Convention and Exposition. 
RIA President Lee King, CR and IICRC Chairman Pete Duncanson taking a page from Reagan and Gorbachev's historic Glasnost agreement executed a Strategic Partnership on behalf of their respective organizations. After the execution of the agreement Mark Springer, CR  who is RIA's President Elect announced the launch of RIA's AGA committee. The Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) committee chair is well known restoration contractor advocate and counselor Ed Cross known in the industry as "The Restoration Lawyer".
The Part 1 May 17th show set the table for this week's  Part 2 show as RIA's Springer counterpart from the IICRC, Kevin Pearson, IICRC Chairman Elect will weigh-in with his perspective of the strategic partnership and its impact on helping unify the industry leading towards the ultimate goal of "speaking" with one voice. 
Joining Pearson will be long time industry insider Craig Kersemeier who has roots in both RIA and IICRC. Kersemeier is IICRC's Marketing Chair and former board member who assisted with the negotiation process. His insights and past history helped both parties garner an understanding of past failures and the lessons learned that led to this historic breakthrough!
Pearson will share his vision as he ascends to IICRC leadership in Oct of this year on how and why the partnership can help to advance the profession, protect stakeholder interests and increase the influence of cleaners, restorers, and other practitioners to the trade as the industry matures. It is the hope of each organization's leadership that the future of the industry for the next generation in the global marketplace will be one of harmony and collaboration for the greater good. 
Through Kersemeier's unique perspective he will share his thoughts in his marketing chair role how IICRC's support of the RIA advocacy movement through the AGA initiative can have a powerful impact of how restorer's are regarded by the insurance industry, government entities and the general public. This will set the table for the Part 3 show in the series when Ed Cross returns to delve deeper into the AGA's future plans and how industry stakeholders can support the advocacy initiative!
Again this week, IAQradio's Restoration Global Watchdog will join the show.  Pete Consigli and Craig Kersemeier have a history of collaboration trying to unify the industry through their respective influence as RIA and IICRC insiders that dates back over a decade. 
Pete who is known to IAQradio listeners as not holding back his enthusiasm, likens the announcement of the partnership agreement to a well know scene from the A Team TV show and movie sequel. During the closing scene A Team leader Hannibal Smith would light a cigar and say, "I love it when a plan comes together".  Pete and Craig will have to flip a coin to determine who offers the other the match to light the cigar after this week's show! 
Please join the Z-man, Radio Joe, the Global Watchdog this week for the Part 2 show with IICRC's "A Team" members Kevin Pearson and Craig Kersemeier for IAQradio's exclusive 4 part series on industry maturation and unification.

Friday May 17, 2019

On May 1st, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona an historic announcement was made at RIA’s 73rd annual Convention and Exposition. The convention opened with a Town Hall session traditionally done as the association’s closing general session with breaking news that shall shape the direction of the industry for years to come!
RIA President Lee King, CR and IICRC Chairman Pete Duncanson taking a page from Regan and Gorbachev’s historic Glasnost agreement executed the Strategic Partnership on behalf of their respective organizations. RIA 1st VP Mark Springer, CR and longtime IICRC board member Craig Kersemeier, WLS were instrumental in helping facilitate the negotiation on behalf of each organizations board of directors leading to the signing ceremony in Phoenix on May 1st.
After the execution of the agreement Mark Springer announced the launch of RIA’s AGA task force. The Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) committee chair was then introduced. Well known restoration contractor advocate and counselor Ed Cross known in the industry as “The Restoration Lawyer” then addressed the convention delegates  about the AGA’s inaugural initiatives.
Please join us live for this exciting  exclusive interview by “Radio” Joe Hughes and the Cliff  “Z-man” Zlotnik this week with Springer and Cross who will share their unique insights into the making of the partnership agreement and the task force’s advocacy plans for the future.
This show is the first in a 4 part series that will evolve over the next several months as the IICRC is invited to weigh-in with their unique perspective in part two.  Part 3 will provide an update by Cross on the AGA activities. After Labor Day a collaborative show is planned with King and Duncanson to inform the industry on the progress of the partnership’s ambitious plans to unify the industry and advance the trade for professional cleaning and restoration contractors!
This week, IAQradio’s Restoration Global Watchdog will join the show and weighs in with his thoughts on the historic announcement. Pete Consigli, CR, WLS says, “Over the past decade a succession of volunteer leadership and executive management of both RIA an IICRC have worked towards this historic day. I am thrilled to see the industry come together to collaborate for the greater good. Consigli goes on to say, I thank everyone who played a part in the agreement and hope with  broad base support from industry stakeholders the partners will accomplish their goals”.
Join Cliff, Joe and Pete this week for the “kick-off” of this exciting 4 part series on industry unification as professional cleaners and restorers come together to “Take a Stand” on the direction of the future!

Friday May 03, 2019

This week Iaqradio will have another one of their signature "Fireside Chat" shows with an industry pioneer and iconic personality. John Downey is well known to our listeners from his appearances on the show over the years in his former role as the former editor of the IICRC Journal and more recently in his new role as the Executive Director of CIRI.
This week's show will be more personal and share John's "story" from his family's roots in the carpet cleaning industry that spans 5 generations over a century! John's activism is legendary from his days of helping organize his local carpet cleaning association in Ohio to the story behind Cleanfax which he founded and sold in the 1990's. His various dalliances in related segments of the cleaning, restoration and Jan San industries have given John some hard lessons learned he will share with our growing audience of loyal listeners.This week IAQradio's Restoration Global Watchdog will be joining the show to share some of his insights gleaned from knowing John for over 3 decades. Downey, Consigli and the Z-man share a common interest as industry observers, watchdogs and activists in their mission to advance the profession for the betterment of those who derive their livelihood from cleaning, restoration and remediation. Please join us this week as the "boys" have a chat with John Downey and share their heartwarming anecdotes which will make you smile, laugh and maybe along the way pick up a few tips that can be applied to your own professional and personal life journey!

Friday Apr 26, 2019

Today on Iaqradio+ we welcome Ed Light and Paul Haas. They're CIH's but actually work with contractors to solve building problems! The "dynamic duo" (Ed and Paul are with the Indoor Air/Mechanical Engineering consulting firm, Building Dynamics), will address elusive questions such as, "Will mold grow here?" and "What do these moisture readings mean?" We are also going to have a special musical introduction from Ed Light.
Mr. Light holds degrees in Environmental Science from the University of Massachusetts (B.S.) and Marshall University (M.S.), is a Senior Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, has authored over 40 scientific publications on assessment and control of the indoor environment and has chaired several national scientific committees.  In the 1980's, Ed established the West Virginia Department of Health IAQ Program, pioneering efforts to resolve exposure issues related to formaldehyde, asbestos, and termiticides.  In the 1990's, he developed widely used protocols for addressing IEQ complaints (published by EPA, NIOSH and ISIAQ) and managing air quality in occupied buildings under construction (for SMACNA, promulgated by ANSI).  As a consultant, Ed has directed more than 1000 multi-disciplinary IEQ investigations, ranging from the White House to the South Pole Station.  He has been admitted as an expert witness in numerous litigations. 
Paul Haas CSP, CIH is a consultant with Building Dynamics, LLC - industrial hygiene and mechanical engineering consultants. He has an MS in Industrial Hygiene from the University of Southern California and a BA in Environmental Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has authored many peer-reviewed scientific publications, including widely-used protocols for addressing IEQ complaints. He is a member of ASHRAE, AIHA, and an elite group of surfers who enjoy bluegrass music. As a consultant, Paul has directed multi-disciplinary Building Science and IEQ investigations of 100's of facilities and managing air quality in buildings under construction. He is a practicing industrial hygienist, and also participates in the successful design and construction of numerous buildings and public health aspects of the indoor environment for more than 25 years.

Friday Apr 12, 2019

This week we look forward to our interview with Eugene C. Cole DrPH. Dr. Gene Cole is Director of Research for LRC Indoor Testing & Research, Cary, NC; and formerly Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. He has 35 years of research experience, with a primary focus on the ecology of indoor and work environments, with special emphasis on identification and reduction of pollutant reservoirs and sources, bioaerosols, human exposure assessment and control, product evaluation, cleaning and restoration, mold and sewage remediation, and biocides.
Since 2000, he has continued to conduct research on the relationship between the use of antibacterial cleaning and hygiene products in the home, and antibiotic resistance; as well as on the effectiveness of cleaning to reduce the transmission of disease agents in schools. He has also worked with national and international organizations to address environmental health and infectious disease concerns such as medical waste management in Central Europe and South East Asia, hygiene promotion in Africa, and healthy homes and buildings in the U.S. and Asia.
Dr. Cole is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI), and a Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. He holds a Master of Science in Public Health Microbiology and a Doctor of Public Health in Biohazard Science and Occupational Health, both from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Friday Apr 05, 2019

This week we look forward to our interview with Jim Harris, Sr., a consultant, trainer, corporate executive, and entrepreneur. Jim has had a productive and successful career in the cleaning industry for 45 years. Jim started Janitronics Facility Services in 1972 as a local cleaning service. The company has since evolved into a seven branch, comprehensive cleaning, maintenance and management service, but has a new approach: Thinking small; they specialize in creating, and sustaining a healthy indoor environment utilizing state of the art, effective 'cleaning systems' based on validated cleaning science research. Mr. Harris is also co-founder and chairman of the Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI). CIRI is the clearinghouse for unbiased, peer-reviewed technical information and research about the science of cleaning or restoration of the indoor environment
Jim Harris has done what others have only dreamed of while building a profitable company. His company was built first and foremost on the science of cleaning. The company uses state-of-the-art equipment and processes to clean for health. To increase productivity, Janitronics developed its' SysteamCleaning (TM) concept, utilizing state of the art workflow based on systems thinking and high performance standards. In 2000 the leadership of the company completed a succession transition to Jim Harris, Jr. and is headquartered in Albany, N.Y. They are not just dumping wastebaskets and cleaning restrooms. They pride themselves on cleaning a work environment to maintain a high health standard; focused on properly removing bio-contaminants and airborne particles. Janitronics has been succesful in transforming cleaning into a science.

Friday Mar 29, 2019

This week we look forward to another Research to Practice presentation from one of the leading IAQ researchers in the world Rachel Adams, PhD. Dr. Adams is a microbiologist with a deep curiosity for how microbes work and how microbial interactions shape the environment around them, including our homes and our health. She is a Microbiologist with the California Department of Public Health and a Project Scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, in the Department of Plant & Microbial Biology. Dr. Adams has expertise in using sequence-based technology to study microbial exposures in indoor environments, has developed methods to improve the identification of microbes, and has interest in understanding the consequences of indoor microbial exposures on human health. Dr. Adams holds a B.S. from Georgetown University and a Ph.D. from Stanford University and is a member of the Mycological Society of America and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).

Friday Mar 22, 2019

This week we Flashback to one of our more popular shows with Christine Oliver, MD. Dr. Oliver joined us to discuss Odors and Chemical Sensitivities about 2 years ago. This was prior to our first YouTube videos so we are going to add some graphics and photos this week. Dr. Oliver is President of Occupational Health Initiatives, Inc. in Brookline, MA. She is an Associate Physician in the Department of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care Division) at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Board certified in occupational medicine and in internal medicine. Dr. Oliver's primary specialty is Occupational and Environmental Medicine, with an emphasis on occupational and environmental lung disease. At the MGH she evaluates and cares for patients with occupational and environmental illness and disease, including occupational asthma, interstitial lung disease, building-related health problems, and chemical sensitivities. Dr. Oliver has done research and published in the area of occupational lung disease and she has testified before the United States Congress with regard to work-related health issues and risks. 
For the past three decades an important focus of Dr. Oliver's consulting work has been indoor air quality and related health effects. She has lectured and published on this subject and she has been actively involved in indoor air quality assessments in a variety of settings. These include health care facilities, courthouses and other government buildings, schools, and commercial office buildings. Together with industrial hygienists, engineers, and human systems specialists she has worked to identify, characterize, and resolve air quality problems and their related health effects. In 2009 she was a participant and presenter in the ASTM Johnson Conference on the standardization of mold response procedures. An important component of Dr. Oliver's clinical work has been in the area of fragrances and their related health effects, including causation and/or exacerbation of chemical sensitivities. She has lectured on these topics, counseled patients and their families with regard to steps that can be taken to identify and remove fragranced products from their environment, and advocated for a fragrance-free policy in the clinic in which she works.


IAQ Radio+

This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.

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