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Friday Sep 25, 2020

This week we welcome Jonathan F. Hale, MPA the Chairman of the ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Committee for a discussion of the new ACGIH White Paper called “Ventilation for Industrial Settings during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. This promises to be an excellent discussion whether you work in industrial settings or not. The fundamental principles discussed will be useful in any type of facility and the document is excellent. Mr. Hale's mastery of the topic will be obvious to anyone joining the show.
Mr. Hale has a varied background including working as EPA Inspector and Permits Engineer- Local Air Regulatory Agency, Winston-Salem NC, Director of Environmental Engineering and Industrial Hygiene for Douglas Battery Manufacturing-Winston-Salem NC, and Founder and Owner, Air Systems Corporation, Inc, July, 2009.
He is also the winner of 2 National ASHRAE awards for excellence in energy efficient design of industrial ventilation systems and the Faculty of UNC Chapel Hill’s Summer and Winter Industrial Hygiene Institute- Since 1999, Past President of Carolina’s Air Pollution Control Association and an Instructor at Johns Hopkins Univ. Bloomberg School of Health IV Course, 2003-2007 as well as Faculty, Michigan State University Industrial Ventilation Conference, since 2009. Mr. Hale holds a BS in Biology, Wake Forest University-1975 and an MA Public Administration (Regulatory Affairs), Appalachian State University-1980.

Friday Sep 18, 2020

This week we welcome back Brad Prezant to Iaqradio+. Its been 8 years since we had Brad on the show he is now working in Australia. We look forward to getting his perspective on COVID 19 and the new COVID 19 Infection Risk Manager.
Brad Prezant is an evidence-based public health scientist with a background in epidemiology, occupational health & hygiene, and ergonomics. Until the company was sold in 2007, he operated Prezant Associates, Inc. in Seattle, providing consulting, training, and laboratory services for 20+ years. After migrating to New Zealand in 2008, Mr. Prezant spent 3 years at Massey University researching a variety of occupational health issues including solvent exposure to auto body painters, fumigant and VOC exposures from shipping containers, and dust exposures to woodworkers. He previously was Chief Editor of AIHA's first edition of Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold, an author of several other standard of care documents, and is the current Vice President for Practice of ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate). Since 2015, he is Chief Scientific Officer at VA Sciences, an occupational health consultancy, IICRC training facility (TESA Directive), and microbiological laboratory (Symbiotic Labs) in Melbourne, Australia. He is involved in a wide variety of indoor air quality and occupational health issues, from indoor moisture and mould to ventilation, traditional IH exposure assessment, and infection transmission indoors.

Friday Sep 11, 2020

This week we look forward to an enlightening discussion on the "Healthy Homes" movement and a new related document called Healthy Housing Principles Reference Guide. We are thrilled to have Kevin Kennedy and Larry Zarker joining us to discuss how the building performance world is getting more and more involved in indoor environmental quality.
Kevin Kennedy is an Environmental Hygienist and the Program Director of the Environmental Health Program at Children’s Mercy Kansas City. The center works in patient homes, schools and child care facilities providing environmental health assessments, consulting, training, education and performs research in indoor environmental health. Mr. Kennedy has worked in the environmental health science field for over 30 years. He is a Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant and teaches courses on the healthy housing principles, environmental assessment and investigation, environmental measurement and sampling and building science.
Larry Zarker is the CEO of the Building Performance Institute, the professional standards setting and credentialing organization for both the weatherization and home performance contracting industries. He oversees BPI’s national network of over 12,000 certified professionals and BPI GoldStar contracting companies. He helped found the new Building Performance Association, the industry association for America’s home performance workforce. Prior to BPI, he worked for nearly twenty years with the NAHB Research Center and was the Vice President of Marketing for over a decade, serving both the new home and remodeling sectors with innovative product development and research.

Friday Aug 07, 2020

This week we welcome Lew Harriman for a discussion about the new ASHRAE document "Damp Buildings, Human Health and HVAC Design". The new document is intended to provide clear guidance for consultants, building owners/managers and others on measuring and managing moisture in buildings.
Lew Harriman was a contributor to the EPA guidance for Moisture Control in Buildings, the EPA’s Guidance for Air Cleaners and most recently the ASHRAE Special Publication titled: Damp Buildings, Human Health and HVAC Design. After college and a 5-yr stint in the US Air Force, Lew worked for a manufacturer of industrial dehumidification systems for 10 years, before beginning a second, 32-year career as a humidity control and building forensic consultant. He operated his one-person firm under the name Mason-Grant until 2018, when he retired from active consulting and took the tongue-in-cheek title of “Emeritus Director of Research” because he says likes the sound of it. Still, he seems unable to off-load his attachment to ASHRAE volunteer work, since he continues to serve as a humidity and filtration consultant to ASHRAE's COVID-19 Epidemic Task Force.
This episode follows up our series we call the Moisture Mob Episodes. Check them all out at the links below.
Moisture Mob Episodes
John T. Hull – Roofs, Moisture Meters, Inspections & Solutions for Leaks: Lessons Learned from an Industry Veteran!
Robert Higgins – Concrete & Moisture: Fact vs Fiction
William Thornton – Flooring Confidential: The Underbelly of Cradle to Grave from Manufacture to Installation & Use!
Howard Brickman – Hardwood Flooring from the Tree Tops to the Roots: An Intimate Fireside Chat with an Industry Trailblazer!
Roland Vierra – The Life & Times of a Renown Flooring Inspector: Stories from the Dark Side in the Trenches!
Andrew Rynhart – Tramex Limited – Measuring & Documenting Moisture Content

Friday Jul 31, 2020

This week we welcome Stephanie Taylor, MD, M Architecture, CIC the CEO of Taylor Healthcare Commissioning, Inc. After working as a physician for many decades, Dr. Taylor obtained a Masters in Architecture as well as Infection Control certification. Her lifelong commitment to patient care includes focusing on improving the healthcare physical environment and clinical work processes to help patients heal quickly and save hospitals valuable dollars. Dr. Taylor is a graduate of Harvard Medical School (MD), and Norwich University (Masters Architecture). She has numerous research publications in "Nature and is also a member of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force. We look forward to a fascinating dicussion about buildings and their role in infection control. 
LEARN MORE this week on Iaqradio+!

Friday Jul 24, 2020

This week we welcome Ivan Turner, Steven LaVelle and Kent Riddle for a special show designed to help market your restoration company in tough times and beyond. The interview will focus on how to get through tough times and help ensure your marketing program brings results quickly. The team will discuss methods and techniques for marketing that can help any company but particularly restoration companies looking to survive and thrive during difficult times. The groups new e-book is called How to Successfully Market Your Restoration Business in 14 Days. 
Tune in for an
Unprecedented Special Offer, only One recipient will be chosen
Are you are experiencing a downturn in your restoration business due to a lack of jobs; an expert consulting team* seeks one candidate for free 14 day business turnaround. (*Kent "redneck millionaire" Riddle, Ivan "Showme marketing" Turner, and Steven "roving marketing reporter" LaVelle)
In 100 words or less, tell the consulting team why they should select you for the free 14 day business turnaround. All entries will remain confidential. More details during the show.
Ivan Turner has been in the restoration field for over 25 years. He created “Disaster Brigade” an organization that brings veterans into the restoration industry. And he is presently the CEO of ShowMe Marketing, a consulting firm that shows restoration companies how to get more work in just days. He was a featured author in the book, “How to Get More Water Damage Jobs” with a chapter that included insider secrets for getting free referrals from plumbers. Recently he said, “Drop me in any city in North America and I’ll go to any restoration company you name – then, in just 14 days I’ll have the owner, the sales team, or the newest technician bringing in more jobs.”
Steven LaVelle has been researcher and writer for the restoration industry for more than 12 years. With half-a-dozen books to his credit including, “197 Ways To Persuade Adjusters, Agents, and Others To Give You The Job,” “The Restoration Book,” “How to Get More Water Damage Jobs” and “Get Paid!” which featured our own Cliff Zlotnik(the Z Man) who wrote the foreword. Steven says, “I ask the most insightful industry leaders for their best secrets, they tell them to me and I add a few ideas of my own, then write them down – that is how I create some of the best marketing books in restoration. In the final analysis I’m just a roving reporter and marketer who knows where to look and what questions to ask.”
Kent Riddle is a story teller. Someone called him a “Red Neck Millionaire,” because he ran a successful franchise for many years that had an annual income in the millions of dollars and has a deep southern accent that rivals his friends in Nashville.  Recently he sold his franchise for millions more, but he found retirement to be too much work! So he dove back in and created a consulting firm that helps other restoration companies become successful. He teaches with stories and he promised to share a couple today – like the one in which a group of contractors were waiting to make a presentation to the manager of a water damaged restaurant, when a competitor walked up and stole the job with just three sentences. Recently, he asked the owner and front line workers of a wildly successful franchise how they were doing during the COVID crisis – they told him, now he will tell us.

Friday Jun 26, 2020

This week we welcome ACGIH Chair Mary Lopez, PhD, CPE and Immediate Past Chair Mike Ellenbecker, ScD, CIH to Iaqradio+. Our topic is how scientific organizations like ACGIH develop guidelines such as Threshold Limit Values using science as driving force behind development. Guidelines and standards are developed by many organizations lets look at how one of the most respected organizations in the world does it.
COL (Ret) Mary S. Lopez, PhD, CPE
Dr. Lopez retired from military service after 33 years as an Army officer. She currently serves as the Chair, ACGIH Physical Agents Committee. Dr. Lopez has been an active member of the ACGIH PAC since 2004, serving as a subject matter expert in Ergonomics and Human Factors, and as Vice Chair (2005-2010) and Chair (2010-2018). She has served on the ACGIH Board of Directors since 2019 and was elected ACGIH Board Chair for 2020. She is a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) and a licensed Occupational Therapist.
Colonel (Retired) Mary S. Lopez graduated from San Jose State University with a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. She completed the OT internship at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC. COL(R) Lopez holds a Master of Health Administration from Baylor University and a PhD in Industrial Engineering—Human Factors and Ergonomics from Texas A&M University. She has held a variety of positions in her assignments at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Letterman Army Medical Center, Fort Ord, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Riley, the Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, the Uniformed Services University, and the Office of the Surgeon General, and the Europe Regional Medical Command. 
Michael J. Ellenbecker, ScD, CIH
Committed to improving the health and well-being of workers exposed to chemical and physical agents in their work environment, Dr. Ellenbecker, now Professor Emeritus, for almost thirty years taught occupational hygiene in the Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. In his continuing role as co-Director of TURI, he manages a staff of fifteen and has guided the Institute's research program from its inception in 1989. In addition to TURI’s mission, Dr. Ellenbecker’s research interests include aerosol science, ventilation system design, and evaluating occupational and environmental exposures to engineered nanoparticles. He is co-author of "Ventilation for Control of the Work Environment," the standard textbook for the design of industrial exhaust systems, and “Exposure Assessment and Safety Considerations for Working with Engineered Nanoparticles”. Harvard-educated, he holds Doctoral and Master degrees in Environmental Health Sciences and Industrial Hygiene and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist.

Friday Jun 19, 2020

This week we welcome the new AIHA President J. Lindsay Cook, MSPH, CIH, CSP, FAIHA to Iaqradio+. We look forward to talking about the recent AIHA virtual conference, the re-branding of AIHA and other hot topics in industrial hygiene including of course industry pros experience with the COVID 19 pandemic.
Lindsay Cook became the latest AIHA President this June, at the end of AIHce EXP 2020. An AIHA member since 1979, Lindsay has worked with AIHA’s Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee, Laboratory Health and Safety Committee, Indoor Environmental Quality Task Force, and Finance Committee. He was first elected to the Board of directors in 1999 and has worked his way through leadership positions.
Prior to his recent retirement he was Senior Vice President at The EI Group, Inc. an environmental health and safety (EHS) consulting firm in Morrisville, North Carolina. Mr. Cook is a graduate of the University of North Carolina with an undergraduate degree in Chemistry and a Graduate Degree from the Industrial Hygiene program.

Friday Jun 12, 2020

This week we welcome back Rusty Amarante and Tom Yacobellis for a show we are calling Belfor is Ichiban; Managing High Profile Coronavirus Projects. Belfor is the largest restoration company in the world and as such ends up on some very interesting projects. This week we will discuss the cleaning and disinfecting of the Diamond Princess cruise ship. This ship was in the news a lot when it had to be docked in Japan after passengers developed CV19. We will go through the process and obstacles to cleaning and disinfecting a floating city.
Rusty Amarante is a Certified Restorer and Director of Operations for BELFOR Property Restoration the global leader in disaster recovery. He is also President of the BELFOR Franchise Group a leading national franchisor of service brands including 1-800-WATER DAMAGE, DUCTZ International and HOODZ International.
Rusty’s career started in the 1970’s in suburban Philadelphia, PA and has ranged from the owner of a small cleaning and restoration company that grew to a large regional full service restoration contractor before joining the BELFOR Team in the 1990’s. Over the past forty plus years he has been an IICRC instructor, state approved CEC trainer for the insurance industry and avid contributor and volunteer to the industry’s not-for-profit sector.
Tom Yacobellis is Director of National Operations for Belfor Mechanical an International HVAC remediation, restoration and diagnostic firm with 80 locations nationwide. He is the founder of DUCTZ International and has 38years’ experience in the design, installation, and restoration of HVAC systems and 29 years specifically in the HVAC remediation industry and Building Diagnostics.
Tom has been continuously engaged in the diagnosis, inspection, and restoration of HVAC mechanical and building related systems since 1979. He is a 30-year Florida State licensed HVAC, Mold Assessment, and Mold Remediation, contractor. Toms is an active expert witness for the Florida Attorney General’s office for consumer fraud in HVAC, and building mold mitigation trades. Tom holds lifetime achievement awards from both the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) and The Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). Tom has extensive standards creation and drafting experience for NADCA, IICRC, ASHRAE, ACCA, and IAQA.

Friday Jun 05, 2020

This week we welcome RIA President Mark Springer and IICRC Chairman of the BoardKevin Pearson for a show we are calling Detente between RIA and IICRC. This is the fourth in our series of shows about the development and implementation of the strategic agreement between the two groups. The Z-man and Radio Joe are happy to see this happening after years of missed opportunities to work together for the betterment of the restoration industry.
Mark Springer is the President of Dayspring Restoration, a company that performs restoration services in properties that are damaged by disasters such as water, fire, wind, or environmental damage. Dayspring performs these services across the great state of Montana where Mark has lived his entire life. The Dayspring family has grown to over 125 team members who work hard to delight their customers who have experienced property damage in their homes or businesses. Mark is the current President of the Restoration Industry Association.
Kevin Pearson is an industry consultant who has been in the industry since 1992. Kevin started as a technician in the field and worked his way up to managing a cleaning and restoration company. Then in 2001 Kevin opened Pearson Carpet Care and grew it into a multi-truck operation and was able to sell it in January 2018. Since then Kevin has been an industry consultant and performs inspections for the flooring manufacturers.
Kevin has also spent many years working to raise the level of the cleaning, restoration, and inspection industries through the IICRC. Over the years, Kevin has served on standards committees, chaired the Certified Firm Committee, Chaired the Nominating Committee, Chaired the Education Committee and served many different officer positions on the Board. Kevin currently serves as the IICRC Chairman of the Board for (2019 -2021).


IAQ Radio+

This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.

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