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Friday Nov 12, 2021

This week on IAQradio+ we welcome Dr. Sarah Haines of the University of Toronto Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering. Dr. Haines came to our attention when she was part of a group with Karen Dannemiller, PhD at the Healthy Buildings Summit 2019. It was refreshing to have a group of young academics join us to share interests in healthy buildings research to practice. She has since taken a position at the University of Toronto with Jeff Siegel, PhD another HBS Keynoter and research to practice enthusiast. This week we look forward to learning more about how Sarah and other academics see the puzzle of buildings and health. 
Professor Sarah Haines interdisciplinary research integrates building science, engineering, and microbiology to analyze the impact built environment has on human health. She uses cutting-edge microbiology techniques such as next-generation sequencing, metatranscriptonomics, and bioinformatics to understand the impact of weatherization and extreme weather events on indoor air quality, particularly in low income communities who may be at higher risk for asthma. Her work aids in understanding indoor exposures from microorganisms and chemicals providing for a cleaner and sustainable indoor environment. Her PhD is in Environmental Science from Ohio State University. 

Friday Nov 05, 2021

This week on IAQradio+ we welcome Kevin Hart, Haven IAQ CEO to continue our discussion on HVAC and IAQ. This week we focus on using sensor technology to optimize HVAC affects on IAQ. Kevin is the founder of Haven IAQ and is doing some interesting work linking HVAC and IAQ.  Nate “The House Whisperer” Adams  brought Kevin and Haven to our attention during our last show with him.
Kevin founded HAVEN IAQ (TZOA) at the age of 23, after experiencing high levels of carcinogenic crystalline silica dust on industrial worksites. He conceptualized a wearable air quality monitor for global citizens that could crowdsource outdoor pollution data from thousands of devices onto city-wide maps in real-time, a product that won 'best inventions of 2015' awards from Time Magazine and Popular Science. Their product line HAVEN has been granted multiple patents and patents pending on its in-duct sensing and IoT controls, and are pursuing the mission of transforming millions of homes into safe havens.

Friday Oct 22, 2021

This week we welcome back Robert Bean a retired engineering technology professional having practiced in building construction engineering technology and mechanical engineering for decades. This will be a thought provoking interview on IAQ, HVAC, Building Science and COVID. Mr. Bean specialized in the design of indoor environments and high-performance building systems. He is a third term ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, recipient of the Lou Flagg Award, and Distinguished Service Award. He has authored numerous papers, articles, and course curriculums and serves on several technical committees related to indoor environmental quality, building, and thermal energy systems. Robert also continues to maintain the healthyheating.com website where you can get his FREE book “Thermal Comfort Principles and Practical Applications for Residential Buildings”. If that’s not enough he is also the co-host of the Edifice Complex Podcast which is designed to blow apart how buildings are designed, fabricated, commissioned and operated.

Friday Oct 15, 2021

This week we welcome Dr. John Mulhausen AIHA President and Larry Sloan, AIHA CEO for a discussion on how to accelerate your advancement in the world of industrial hygiene. We will look at how those in the health and safety world can advance and prosper in today’s unique environment.
John Mulhausen Ph.D., CIH, CSP, is currently President of AIHA. He retired in 2018 from 3M where he worked for 31 years in a variety of global health and safety risk management roles, most recently as Director of Corporate Safety and Industrial Hygiene. He has authored / co-authored over 100 presentations, publications or professional development courses in forums throughout the world and contributed advice and expertise on various working committees sponsored by NIOSH, AIHA, ACGIH, and the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine. John is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Minnesota, a Fellow of the AIHA, recipient of ABIH’s Lifetime Achievement Award and AIHA’s Edward J. Baier Technical Achievement Award and Henry F. Smyth Award.
Mr. Sloan stepped into the role of CEO at the AIHA in October 2016.Prior to this, he served as President/CEO for seven years at the Society of Chemical Manufactures and Affiliates (SOCMA), a trade association representing the US specialty chemical industry. Larry entered the non-profit sector in 2001 by serving first as a director with a subsequent promotion to president at the Adhesive and Sealant Council. Larry began his career as a chemical engineer at Air Products and later worked for Nalco Chemical Company in marketing, manufacturing and sales capacities. Larry graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Chemical Engineering. Later he returned to Northwestern University where he earned his MBA. In 2006, Larry received his Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation through the American Society of Association Executives.  

Friday Oct 08, 2021

This week we welcome Chris Howells, Aprilaire Senior Product Manager Ventilation and Purification Systems, to talk HVAC & IAQ: What Works!. We have very recently had some excellent building science shows with Joe Lstiburek and Nate Adams. It seems like a good time to see what a major manufacturers’ Product Manager for Ventilation and Purification can tell us what he sees out in the field. 
Chris grew up working in the HVAC industry with his grandfather in North Texas. That experience has led to over 25 years in the trade. He spent most of his career thus far in the field as a service technician, installer, comfort advisor and owner of a business. After his time in the field, he served as a Technical Service Manager and trainer for a distributor of a major equipment line.
He started his career with Aprilaire in 2015 and has filled multiple roles as a District Sales Manager and Regional Manager. Now as the Senior Product Manager of ventilation and purification, Chris continues to express his passion for the Building Science and HVAC to all in the industry. Serving others by providing the knowledge of all the attributes that create a more comfortable and healthier environment for the occupants while offering the home the protection it needs to facilitate a healthy home is what drives Chris’ unmatched passion for the Indoor Air Quality industry.
Chris has trained thousands of people on the importance of IAQ within the industry including HVAC contractors, distributors, engineers, new home sales teams, raters and inspectors. Aprilaire believes everyone deserves healthy air, especially in their own homes! That starts with knowledge of what makes up the quality of the air in our homes and buildings. Chris and Aprilaire are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this event today.

Friday Oct 01, 2021

This week we welcome Michelle Blevins owner and publisher of C&R Magazine. A lot is happening in the industry and Michelle has her finger on the pulse join us as we dig in and learn more about some of the big changes in the cleaning and restoration industry. LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio+.
Michelle Blevins is a content creator, marketing consultant, and entrepreneur whose career has been centered on education and fostering relationships within the industry she serves. A journalist by trade, Michelle is passionate about running a publication rooted in integrity and valuable education. She views her role as owner and publisher of C&R Magazine as a bridge between industry experts and restoration and cleaning contractors.
Since joining the restoration industry, Michelle has made it her business to stay on top of the latest industry trends. She has become a go-to resource for anyone looking to learn more about what’s happening within today’s restoration industry. This has earned her a spot on many industry stages facilitating panels and helpful discussion with industry experts on the biggest topics facing restorers and cleaners in the current market.

Friday Sep 24, 2021

This week we welcome back Nate “The House Whisperer” Adams for a lesson on HVAC and IAQ. We did not get to discuss HVAC as much as we wanted with Dr. Joe Lstiburek so we asked Nate to join us and continue the discussion. We will talk about his "electrify everything" mantra, the HVAC 2.0 program and BAD ASS HVAC. Nate and his partners are trying to shake things up but also keep in mind “the art of the possible”. The focus of the discussion will primarily be on existing housing, HVAC and IAQ.
Nate “The House Whisperer” Adams is the author of The Home Comfort Book and has helped numerous clients make their homes healthier, more comfortable, and able to run on clean electricity. He and his partners have adapted that upgrade process into the HVAC 2.0 program which gives HVAC contractors a business model to deliver the same results for their clients while enjoying their work more and being more profitable.
His focus on residential electrification retrofits earned him the moniker “The Father of Electrify Everything” from Panama Bartolomy, CEO of the Building Decarbonization Coalition. He splits his time between living on the Cuyahoga River in Hiram Ohio and in a former West Virginia coal mining village with his wife and young daughter.
LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio+.

Friday Sep 17, 2021

This week we welcome back Paula Schenck, MPH for a discussion about Health and Safety during the COVID Pandemic, risk communication plus a few other current events and topics that will be of great interest to our audience. Paula last joined us in 2016 when she was part of a panel we interviewed at the Maine IAQ Conference in Portland, Maine.
Paul Schenck, MPH is a rehired, retiree that advises physicians about environmental contributors to illness and also is an advisor to the Connecticut Small Business Development Center as what could be described as their COVID health and safety person. She works with small businesses trying to establish appropriate procedures and responses to COVID issues. Paula was part of a group that established the Center for Indoor Environments and Health at UCONN. She developed multiple initiatives directed at improving indoor environments in schools and offices. At the UCONN Occupational Medicine clinic, Paula continues to teach residents and is called upon to provide guidance on environmental and/or workplace interventions as part of patient treatment. In the past she taught environmental health at UCONN, instructed in the masters in public health program, was a seminar leader on asthma and environment and coordinated segments on occupational health in the medical school. She was instrumental in the development of the Mold and Moisture Guidance for Clinicians book in 2004.

Friday Aug 13, 2021

This week we welcome Joe Lstiburek, PhD, P. Eng. for a look back at his career and to get his thoughts on some current events. This will be a exclusive two part interview. Today, in Part 1, we'll discuss his early days in construction up to current events including COVID-19, the Miami building collapse, Code updates and more. We'll continue our discussion in Part 2 when we return live from our summer break on September 10th. That show will focus on his new book "Moisture Control for Residential Buildings". Don’t miss this exclusive look at the Life and Times of the Dean of Building Science.
Joseph Lstiburek, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., is the founding principal of Building Science Corporation and an ASHRAE Fellow. He is a building scientist who investigates building failures. Dr. Lstiburek received an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto, a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto and a doctorate in Building Science Engineering from the University of Toronto. He has been a licensed Professional Engineer since 1982.
The Wall Street Journal referred to him as "the dean of North American building science." Fast Company magazine called him "the Sherlock Holmes of construction". He is internationally recognized and his work has influenced building codes and standards in every climate zone. He is a recipient of the Carl Cash Award from ASTM, a "Becky" from the Ontario Building Envelope Committee (OBEC) and the EEBA Legacy Award all for lifetime contributions to building science. He has also been inducted into the Building Performance Industry Hall of Fame and has received the NESEA Professional Leadership Award for "changing the way we think about building science and how we perform our work".
Dr. Lstiburek is an acclaimed educator who has taught thousands of professionals over the past four decades and has written countless papers. He has a joy for telling tall tales to his protégés and audiences

Friday Aug 06, 2021

This week we welcome Jack Springston, CIH, CSP - ACGIH Bioaerosols Committee Vice Chair Neil Zimmerman, PhD, PE, CIH, FAIHA - ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Committee Member and Frank Mortl III, CAE - ACGIH Executive Director for an update on ACGIH COVID documents and the new Bioaerosols Monograph on Air Sampling Instrumentation. ACGIH has collaborated with ASHRAE on their most recent COVID document revisions and is in the midst of revising the 1999 Bioaerosols Assessment and Control book. The industry is anxiously awaiting this revision.
Frank Mortl, ACGI Executive Director, is responsible for providing guidance and support to the Board of Directors while leading ACGIH®’s team of professionals who are committed to serving a membership that strives to deliver critically important industrial hygiene knowledge along a wide spectrum of topics ranging from air sampling instruments, bioaerosols, biological exposure indices, industrial ventilation, as well as threshold limit values (TLVs®) for chemical substances and physical agents.
Neil Zimmerman, PhD, PE, CIH, FAIHA is a Professor Emeritus of Industrial Hygiene, retired after a 32 year career (1981-2013) as a professor, researcher and educator in the Industrial Hygiene Program of the School of Health Sciences, Purdue University. Dr. Zimmerman is an active member of the AIHA’s Academic Accreditation Committee, which is responsible for ABET accreditation of university IH programs and is a past Chair. He currently is an active member of the ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Committee and was also an active participant in the development of ACGIH’s recently released “ventilation for COVID-19” white papers. Dr. Zimmerman holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University, and MS in Environmental Engineering and PhD in Air and Industrial Hygiene from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is certified in the comprehensive practice of industrial hygiene (CIH). He has been affectionately referred to as Dr. Z by his many past students and is also known as “the Z-man”!
Jack Springston has over 34 years’ experience in industrial hygiene and occupational health. He has been a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) since 1993, and is one of less than 50 active CIHs who also hold a sub-specialty certificate in Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). He has also been a Certified Safety Professional since 1999. Jack is currently the Industrial Hygiene Services Manager, Branch Safety Officer, and Training Director for Atlas Technical in New York City, Albany, and Long Island. He has a BS in Environmental Biology and an MS Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences from Hunter College. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of the ACGIH’s newly reformed Bioaerosols Committee and has authored and co-authored several chapters for the upcoming 2nd Edition Bioaerosols Assessment and Control book.
LEARN MORE this week on IAQ Radio+.


IAQ Radio+

This is the place where the world discusses indoor air quality, the built environment and disaster restoration issues. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. The shows host are Joe Hughes, President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik, President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week we interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and disaster restoration industry.

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